Upgrading Tank


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Stone Mountain
Hey, I have a 75 gallon reef and I am in the works of upgrading to a 180. The 75 is less than a month away from being a year old. I have a healthy amount of rock, not a lot, and if there’s space in the sump there is media or more live rock. So with the upgrade and there being so much new water added, will that cause any unforeseen chaos? Should I be doing anything leading up? When transferring, should I bring the old sand and water, and if so how much?
I read through several pages and never got to the instructions for doing the rip clean. Do you know what page of the thread they are on?
I read through several pages and never got to the instructions for doing the rip clean. Do you know what page of the thread they are on?
yeah, it's a bit confusing, but it's on the first post... at least the gist.

It's a lot to read, but if you look at the spotlighted posts about the successful ones, it helps/more in depth..

"notice in each work thread example, we do the same set of moves:

-carefully disassemble the reef without stirring up bed

-hold rocks and corals in one container, fish in another w inverts, and take the tank apart with the muddy sand and rinse it to 1000% perfection using cool tap water. final rinse on sand is RO, to evacuate the tap. now the sand is perfect

not 99% cloud free, 1000%

-swish rocks around in -saltwater- (we do care about live rock bacteria and that's all we need to run a reef) to jet out their waste. do not move muddy live rocks from a holding container into your cloudless reassembled reef. swish them free of attached detritus.

-Don’t use GFO and Chemi pure and waste absorbers in the new cleaned system, they’ll be over stripping. Wait weeks or months as needed before adding back adsorbent cheats.

assemble the new tank with new water, the rinsed sand and the cloudless rocks, this is a skip cycle arrangement for the next 40+ pages because it is a cloudless setup.

The secret up front is that you never needed bacteria beyond what the live rock offers; that's more than enough. we ripped and flipped and rinsed your sandbed just as easily as we could have omitted it and went bare bottom- you dont need bacteria beyond your live rocks, its why bare-bottom tanks don't die."
Thank you. That is essentially what I gleaned from reading some of the reports from people who did it, but I wanted to make sure I had everything. People sometimes modify steps or skip them when they are doing things like this.

It is definitely confusing the way it is written right now. I am not sure why the instructions are not very clearly marked. So is the sand rinsed inside the tank or can I put it into some 5 gallon buckets for rinsing? The rest is pretty straightforward.
Are you taking down the old tank and setting up the new tank the same day?
Are you taking down the old tank and setting up the new tank the same day?
yeah I plan on setting up the new tank in the old tanks spot.
Do I need to cycle the water prior to adding it or will live rock and media be enough from old tank? I will be adding more rock as well.
I have 2 60 gallon containers for rodi storage that could house cycling water if necessary.
If you have time I’d start cycling rock. I’d add a few pieces of your existing rock with the new and let it sit for a month if you can.
Water is less of a concern since most of the good bacteria you want is in your rock.
If you have time I’d start cycling rock. I’d add a few pieces of your existing rock with the new and let it sit for a month if you can.
Water is less of a concern since most of the good bacteria you want is in your rock.
Is the temperature important white sitting? Same question for flow.
Is the temperature important white sitting? Same question for flow

I guess that depends on how long you leave things sitting in buckets. If it’s an hour or less then it’s not even an issue if you’re going to leave them in buckets for several hours then I would make arrangements to get a heater in there to keep the temperature up, flow would be optional.
Thank you. That is essentially what I gleaned from reading some of the reports from people who did it, but I wanted to make sure I had everything. People sometimes modify steps or skip them when they are doing things like this.

It is definitely confusing the way it is written right now. I am not sure why the instructions are not very clearly marked. So is the sand rinsed inside the tank or can I put it into some 5 gallon buckets for rinsing? The rest is pretty straightforward.
you rinse in buckets or whatever outside the tank... for foreverrrrrrr lol! Til super clear
I guess that depends on how long you leave things sitting in buckets. If it’s an hour or less then it’s not even an issue if you’re going to leave them in buckets for several hours then I would make arrangements to get a heater in there to keep the temperature up, flow would be optional.

Oh I meant for the cycling rocks in separate containers. For the livestock I have an old 55 gallon hard pond I’ll use.

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