Urgent: tank voltage

How would the voltage be getting from the panel to the water? If you unplug your equipment the plug it up one at a time the guilty equipment will show it self.
RESULT! I’ve been going crazy all day trying to figure this out… realized my extension cord from the outlets don’t have ground prongs on them. Voltage back to 15. Guess that was pretty dumb of me
Maybe I missed it in the post(s). Whats common to the 2 tanks other than the electrical panel? Are they plumbed completely separate or together? Most of us at some point has probably gotten bit by stay tank voltage. Mine was isolated to a faulty heater. The grounding probes will help protect you but wont help you find the problem. But being protected is kinda crucial...lol. Its odd that 2 separate tanks would be experiencing this at the same time.
thats true but being in electrical i do know that depending on the sequence of your heartbeat a little shock can kill you.