Using vinegar to dissolve kalkwasser


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I have two 5 gallon jugs for topoff on the side of my tank. I was told to dissolve together three tsp kalkwasser to three tablespoons of distilled vinegar and then put in the jugs. Will the vinegar affect the water quality? I haven't done it yet.

I don't have room in my sump for a calcium reactor.
Cameron was big into using vinegar with his kalk.

You dont have to use vinegar with kalk; kalk alone is fine. The vinegar will help dissolve a little more kalk than usual. It will not harm the water quality, but it does add another factor into the mix.
Although you can dose more kalk by using vinegar, I don't advise it. Vinegar is a carbon source and it will be like dosing sugar/vodka to the tank to some degree.

Since some people dose this stuff anyways its not necessarily a bad thing... but be aware that it vinegar will effect more than just the ph and concentration of the kalk you can add.
It has its uses for people that have nitrate/phosphate problems. Probidio uses a carbon source in its dosage regiment so does zeovit. Its just to feed bacteria. Ideally you're not going to need to dose to keep things under control. Your tank for example does just fine without it :).
Thanks for all the advice. I won't use the vinegar then. I was told by a maintenance company that using vinegar would dissolve the kalkwasser into the water completely.

I love being able to ask about these things before I do something I would regret.
i use to use vinegar, the only real benefit i gained was reducing the ph of the kalk and not casing a ph spike, but that was when i had a 20 gall tank..makes no difference in my bigger system.,,
Very interesting thread. :yes:

I was just reading about this and other Probiotic methods and imho...

Adding vinegar (acetic acid) to your kalkwasser mix allows you to boost the amount of kalk you can add to your tank.

Dose: 1/2 oz. (12ml) vinegar per quart (liter) of limewater. Starting dose of vinegar should be half and work up to full dose ("test the waters")

Kalkwasser mix: 2/3 tablespoon kalk powder per gallon of RO/DI (3.8 liter). Stir.

The acetic acid (vinegar) nuetralizes some of the calcium hydroxide (kalk powder) and forms calcium acetate... [Delbeek, Sprung; 2005

This leaves you with "Turbo Kalk" - higher dissolved calcium, lower pH of the kalk solution, and a little extra carbon source. :thumbs:

The carbon source may promote denitrification (bacterial functions) in live rock and sand. This may result in lowering of the nitrate levels as a benefit [Delbeek, Sprung; 2005].

The bacterial activity that can be encouraged from "spiking the punch" with vinegar places this method into the Probiotic category. This is what Jin was referring to with Prodibio and Zeovit as all these methods encourage bacterial activity in your reef. The bacterial activity from these methods is a big variable to add. :huh:

These probiotic methods (Vinegar/sugar/vodka dosing, Prodibio, Zeovit, Ultralith, etc.) seem to require a more "Captain Kirk" approach to reefkeeping. The results that some reefkeepers get with these systems can be impressive (very low nutrients [oligotrophic conditions], very low nitrate/phosphate, crazy SPS colors, water parameter tuning, support for high feed NPS systems, etc.)</em>. Very intriguing and exciting new options for adventurous SPS reefkeepers to explore. :D

I have mostly fallen into the "Spock" style for reefkeeping (as my post might reveal) :doh: I tend to read and research and maybe try things...if it seems logical.

So what I am tryin to say is ....:lol2: (too many sierra nevada's)

Kalk alone may be enough for your system? Test your calcium and target a nice level...maybe around 410ppm. If a standard kalk solution is not enough to keep this level consistent you may want to explore boosting it with some some vinegar. :sail: