UV help


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Any one have any opinions on UV lights? I can not seem to get the fish in the QT over a case of the nasties. Before I try Cu or Formalin again, I was going to try to see if I can use UV for any help. I have never had a UV lamp, never really needed or believed too much in them, but anything is worth a shot. Any make and or model I would use or, better yet, avoid? Cost is an issue because I do not want to spend $200 on something that I might use for a month, but heck, if it works then I might just put it into the tank. I am looking for something in the 18 - 36Watt range.
they saved my tank. every fish in my tank started dying from some mysterious disease. I waited a while and then tried again and the tester fish died... so i got a uv sterelizer in july and now the only time a fish has died is from carpet surfing.
I wonder if there is a difference between the Coralife 18W and the ESU Pondlife 18W. Coralife and ESU are the same company and I can not imagine that the UV lamps are different. I assume they are just different boxes and lables for marketing reasons.
They are basically the same however the Pondlife products usually come with long cords
What do you mean by "nasties"? Some ailments require treatment of the fish and the water body. UV will only treat the free floating water. Something else to consider, the exposure is what kills the pathogen, so this will need to be met by regulating flow vs. UV wattage (strength). Depending on the volume of the tank, this may or may not be an effective means of control. I like UV's, but I would not consider them a cure all.
As far as I can tell by the sample I managed to scrape off, it is Oodinium. I have it under the microscope and that is the only thing I can think this thing looks like. I am not expecting a cure all but I would like to maybe control the problem till the fish are able to gain the strength to endure a Cu/Fromalin combo treatment.
Do the fish look like they have a velvet over them? This is oodinium, then. I would go copper now. Waiting can be a fatal mistake. Actual, I would recommend the formalin dip, too. Formalin is really nasty, so be careful, and oxygenate the heck out of the water.
Been through that once... After treatment I was going to wait 30 days to make sure it was gone... it has come back (lucky for me before they were out of QT). I do not want to dose again so soon. Hence the UV and some other treatments for the next few days so the fish can have the strength to go through a dip and CU treatments again.