UV Plumbing


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East Cobb
I have been told not to draw from and return to the sump, but is pulling from the sump and returning to the display OK?
I have been told not to draw from and return to the sump, but is pulling from the sump and returning to the display OK?

I wouldn't write off draw and return from the return the sump either. In terms of effectiveness, I have read it goes:

1) Draw Display/Return Display
2) Draw Display/Return Sump
3) Draw Sump/Return Display
4) Draw Sump/Return Sump

The idea being your objective is to filter as much of a display water column as possible. As such it is less ideal to draw from somewhere other than the display or recirculate water into the UV that has already been filtered (sump). Obviously the Draw Sump/Return Sump is the worst of both objectives, but it is also the easiest and cleanest to plumb. I would also say if you look around online, A LOT of people have them plumbed into their sump and are doing just fine.

I have mine jerry-rigged Display/Display right now, but after I get ahead of my current dino issue I plan on experimenting with a Sump/Sump to see if it remains effective. But I personally would sacrifice 25% efficiency for not having things plumbed outside of my stand. Personal preference.
I have my UV plumbed from sump/sump. I added the UV because of Dinos and that was the last time i have seen them.
I believe it may matter less how you plumb a UV, as long as you turn it off at night.

That is when most organisms come out to feed, including pods & other planktivores.
I believe it may matter less how you plumb a UV, if you turn it off at night.

As that is when most organisms feed, including pods & other planktivores.
I run mine 24hrs....Should i have it turn off at night? but isnt that when some dinos release themselves into the water column?
Depending on your goal all water leaving your sump should pass through the display then return to your DT. This method works best if you only have 1 return and that return is going through the UV before it returns to the tank.
I run mine 24hrs....Should i have it turn off at night? but isnt that when some dinos release themselves into the water column?

If I was going to turn it off, I would do it the other way that way as to have it on when the dinos are most vulnerable. There is also research that indicates that parasites such as Ick are more active at night as well.

But I would keep it on 24/7 unless its a matter of power consumption or heat...but that shouldn't be an issue unless you are utilizing a very large UV system.
Plumbing in/out of the sump is ok. Typically water flows in one side and out the other. Pull the UV water from the side water enters the sump and return the UV water near the side water is returned to the DT. There doesn't need to be much distance between the UV pull and UV return as long as you have flow through the sump.

I have always run my UV 24/7/365. Pod, etc are not in the water column, so the number harmed by UV is relatively small. I feel there is no need to turn off at night.

The most important thing is to have the right flow through the UV so the organizim you are targeting has the proper amount of exposure. For my 180 gallon tanks with a 57w UV the correct flow is 187 gph to target ice. Everything you need to know is here: https://atlantareefclub.org/boards/index.php?threads/properly-sizing-uv-sterilizers.15871/
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The cleaner the water that you're running through your UV, the more effective it will be. So pulling water from your sump and returning to your display through the UV is the most efficient setup. A UV should be last in line of your filtration, placing it after your return pump and having the water pull from your sump, after it's gone through filter socks, skimmer, etc, is your cleanest water and thus will have the greatest effect.