UV Steralizer recommendations


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Thinking about a UV Steralizer for about 300 gallon setup. I'm not very familiar with ones for this size. Any recommendations are appreciated. Money is an option and when I figure out what I need, I will probably look for a used one.
Might be hard to find used for that size. I have an Emperor Aquatics and i like it. I just looked at what flow rate was needed for what I wanted it to kill and sized accordingly. I run my full return through mine so that may not be what you do.
Emporer is probably the top rated. I personally run an Aqua 40w on my 180. You're gonna need a big UV for that size tank and it's not going to be cheap.
Like the others have already said, you'll want to save your pennies and get this one right. An emperor is the way to go. There are used deals from time to time, so you may get lucky.
I ran an aqua uv 57 on my system with zero problems. Emperors are excellant as well. Actually ran both trouble free. Don't get caught up in the hype between the two is my best advice.
Thanks guys. I have been eyeing the emperor for about a year now. I haven't heard anything negative towards them other than from the people who do not understand what they do (or have unrealistic expectations)
wildernet;1049458 wrote: I'd go bigger.
There may be some who disagree but I don't think there's any such thing as going too big. It allows you so much more flexibility IMO. If you're having issues of one kind or another, you can run a big UV to nuke things quickly. You can also let your bulb run longer before replacing knowing that at say, 50% efficiency depending on sizing, you can still be effective for pathogens in your system for well past the expected lamp life expectancy. I run an Emperor 80w HO on my 200g TVW system. I might have been fine with half that size, but, I have been so pleased the results from oversizing.

The first purchase for my next build was actually the UV. A 480w made by MRC and powered via Emperor ballasts and bulbs. I have experience running Aqua UV and Emperor. I had terrible results running a 40w Aqua UV on my system but am on my third Emperor ballast in 4 years. I hear they've improved on their ballast design, but, I can't argue with the results of the product when its working.