vermetid snails


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I am getting tired of this creature.
tried bumblee bee snails, physical removal(couldn't much do so where hand can't reach)
what are other options to try?
bumble bees have worked for me although its more of a mitigation than an eradication
manual removal is almost impossible bc they'll be in unreachable places
Supergluing them in works too. If I can’t get the rock out and if my bumblebees won’t get it I just reach in with a drop of superglue on my finger and plaster the sucker shut.
I only had 5 rocks to do, but I pulled each one and pried the vermetids off one by one with a magnifier and a scalpel then rinsed each one separately before returning to the tank. I do also QT, so I was particularly displeased with finding them. You could super glue hard to reach ones as mentioned above. So far, it looks like I got them all, but I only had about 50 across all the rocks and they hadn't made their way into hard to reach areas and I could have missed the tiny ones without tubes yet. I'm keeping an eye out, but in my case it's easy to remove the rocks.

I thought this article was interesting also and may provide a few other options, like potentially coral snow as a part of the solution:

I believe the Bumblebee snails do help. As a lot of other pests, how much you feed has a lot to do with their population.

I have read a variety of different ways to combat them. Or help starve them. One of them was to use filter socks. If you use filter socks remember to change them so they don't cause another issue I have read a few people wear butterfly fish helped. However, from my research the butterfly's seem more hit or miss than the Bumblebee snails.

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