Very high nitrates in established reef; need advice


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I am struggling with very high nitrate levels (in the 160+ range) in my tank. I know there are plenty of threads on this board that address this topic. I've managed to read a handful of them only, so I apologize in advance if this is redundant to a lot of folks.

I have a 90 gallon reef with about 90+ lbs of live rock, and an inch or so of sand. I am running a wet/dry underneath with an undersized Aqua Clear skimmer. I've had the tank running since 2002, had to tear it down and set it back up when I moved in 2005. It's been operational in my new home since.

The threads I did read regarding high nitrates had a common theme - remove the bio balls. I removed about a third of the bio balls every few days until they were gone, and that was on the 18th of January. I've been testing the water every other day, and the nitrate levels are not dropping (still around 160). The fish load in my tank is low (large Regal Tang, medium sized Purple Tang, medium Sailfin Tang, Pearly Jawfish, three Pajama Cardinals, and a Maroon Clown). I also have a liter of Seachem De-Nitrate in the sump, along with two bags of Chemi-Pure. I have a very small amount of LR in the sump. I also did a 30 gallon water change the first week in January.

I also cleaned all of the nasty waste which had collected on the bottom of my sump when I did the above mentioned water change.

As a result of the high nitrates, my xenia are toast, the zoos are dying off at a rapid pace, and my green star polyps colony is shrinking. However, my frogspawn, hammer, candy and meat coral are all looking better than ever!

My questions: what do you recommend I place in the section of the sump where the bio-balls were? Do I fill it with Nitrate Sponge? More live rock even thought I have over 90 lbs in the tank? I do plan on upgrading my skimmer to a ASM G2 in the next few weeks. I'd like a fancier skimmer, but can't afford the additional costs as I have a five month old daughter going through diapers like a machine! :)

Thank you in advance for your time!
Water changes and macro algae can work wonders on your problem.
I just did a 1/3 water change and it made no dent what so ever when I tested the nitrates. I plan on doing another this weekend.
10-4. What do you recommend I place in the sump where the bio-balls were located?
Live rock is hard to beat. Get some Chaeto and a lamp down there would help as well. Also using a second test kit from another manufactorer is a good idea. Test kits are often wrong.

BTW, I give free chaeto to ARC members who stop by.
Thanks Cameron. When you say ARC members that stop by....where are you located?
Also if you can afford to upgrade that skimmer. Also reducing the bioload can help. Don't feed as much or maybe sell a fish or two to fund an even beter skimmer. Your fish load is not low with three tangs in there. Tangs are poop machines and three in a 90 is a lot!
Just like all that was said before: recommendation to add more LR in the sump along with some cheato(I also have plenty if you want to stop by), bigger skimmer, 50% water change and try something like a fuidized bed filter. The FBF will not help in the short term, but over time will greatly reduce nitrates. Good luck!
Yep, your bio-load is definitely not low. The new skimmer should help a lot once it is broken in. And like Cameron said, once you can afford to add a refugium, that should help a lot too.
Shaffer;126729 wrote: As a result of the high nitrates, my xenia are toast....

Hummm, I would wager to guess this is from something different then high NO3 levels. I mean, Xenia should grow like a weed due to your NO3 levels. How was the stuff doing BEFORE you added the chemicals to the tank (the chemi-pure and de-nitrate)? I wonder if that is the problem with your xenia.
It was weird because the xenia was doing well, then it just decided to crap out. Is it normal for zoos to respond negatively to high nitrates? I've also lost two emerald crabs, a cleaner shrimp, serpent star, and good bit of hermits.

That is interesting that ya'll feel my bioload is high. Good thing you told me because I was considering purchasing three yellow tangs once the nitrates come down. The more I think about it, my Regal tang can really pump out the dump!

I greatly appreciate you offering up some chaeto!! Does anyone offering up some chaeto live near Grayson/Lawrenceville? Unfortunately, the closest fish store to my house is the Aviarium, and that is a 35 minute drive. I work in Buckhead, so it really stinks for me that the Fish Store and More closed. It was five minutes from my office.
Shaffer;126780 wrote: It was weird because the xenia was doing well, then it just decided to crap out. Is it normal for zoos to respond negatively to high nitrates? I've also lost two emerald crabs, a cleaner shrimp, serpent star, and good bit of hermits.

That is interesting that ya'll feel my bioload is high. Good thing you told me because I was considering purchasing three yellow tangs once the nitrates come down. The more I think about it, my Regal tang can really pump out the dump!

I greatly appreciate you offering up some chaeto!! Does anyone offering up some chaeto live near Grayson/Lawrenceville? Unfortunately, the closest fish store to my house is the Aviarium, and that is a 35 minute drive. I work in Buckhead, so it really stinks for me that the Fish Store and More closed. It was five minutes from my office.

I offer free chaeto to members as well. $10 a bag for non-members. I am near downtown Lawrenceville. I have plenty in my two tanks so I got it to spare... Ya all those tangs (including the future yellows) would be a high bioload for a 180gal not to meanton a 90. Also swimming room in a 48" tank is going to be a future problem for ya.
I live on the west side right off the E/W Connector. I have plenty of Cheato to get you going full of pods/copeds.

With everything dying you might want to do a 50% water change ASAP to help relieve the stress on the remaining inhabitants. JMO!
Barbara, you work right by me. I'm at 3390 Peachtree Rd. I'm in the Lenox Towers across from the Westin - next to Dante's. Are you in the BCBS building? What is the ToT (sorry, but I'm new to this board for the most part)?

Flyingarmy, I'll definitely be doing another big water change this weekend. Not sure if I can accomodate a 50% water change as I do not have that many containers. None the less, I will be changing about 30 gallons tonight/tomorrow. If I can't work something out with Barbara, I'll definitely let you know. Thank you!

The Chemi-Pure has done nothing to hep my nitrate problem, but it has polished up my water tremendously!! Bill at Aviarium told me it would reduce the nitrates. In the back of my mind I did not believe him, and I was right, but I am glad I picked it up as my water is perfectly clear now!

I have an old Ehiem 2213 from my freshwater days. Perhaps I can fill it with floss and carbon and see what happens.....but does carbon remove additives/benifical minerals/elements from the water column?
There is NO WAY I'd put 3 tangs in that tank with the other fish you've got in there-the tank is too small-tangs need open water, and with the other fish you've got, sounds like you're gonna be well over maxing out its bioload-unless you have like a 150 gallon sump in your basement--but the tank itself still isn't long enough

Shaffer;126780 wrote: It was weird because the xenia was doing well, then it just decided to crap out. Is it normal for zoos to respond negatively to high nitrates? I've also lost two emerald crabs, a cleaner shrimp, serpent star, and good bit of hermits.

That is interesting that ya'll feel my bioload is high. Good thing you told me because I was considering purchasing three yellow tangs once the nitrates come down. The more I think about it, my Regal tang can really pump out the dump!

I greatly appreciate you offering up some chaeto!! Does anyone offering up some chaeto live near Grayson/Lawrenceville? Unfortunately, the closest fish store to my house is the Aviarium, and that is a 35 minute drive. I work in Buckhead, so it really stinks for me that the Fish Store and More closed. It was five minutes from my office.
are you sure that its not the test...also you mentioned you had a wet dry is heere bio balls in it
I keep mentioning this on the boards, but I saw a thread on reefcentral about outboard DSB's where you just keep the sand in a bucket and it sucks out your nitrates, and you can avoid the traditional problems with DSB's by just having the water run fast enough to avoid letting anything settle out into the sandbed.

Mr. Calfo said that a 55 gallon tank full of sand was enough to handle the waste from a 2k gallon LFS tank, and the some of forum posters who had big nitrate problems said that it really worked for them.

I am planning to try it on my 55 gallon build I am working on, since all you do is take a 5 gallon bucket, fill it with sand, and run water over it at a relatively brisk pace.