Vibrant and it’s impact on algae eaters


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Under the sea
I have a question for those eagle-eye reefers with firsthand experience using vibrant.

When using vibrant, what differences did you notice in the health of grazers?

This means not only tangs and Blennies, but also snails, hermits, and other CUC. The hypothesis that I’ve hear floating around (fish pun ;) ), is that there is some CUC die-off. But it would be nice if we could confirm this. Or confirm if Blennies start to get skinny over the couple months.

Conversely, it’s possible that no CUC deaths occur, and fish even get fatter. Weakening algae at the roots could make larger clumps break off the rock more easily, and easier to eat or digest. ...anyways, just some curious thoughts.
It contains a Cultured Bacteria Blend, Amino Acids, Vinegar, RO/DI Water, just a lil of a chemical change over 7 weeks, don't see it affecting cucs but you are removing a food source.
I'm using it now, I've not seen any negative effects on CUC although I would imagine that if I were to use it long term and knock all the algae burden completely they would starve out. My blennies are still fat and snails still munching away for now.
It contains a Cultured Bacteria Blend, Amino Acids, Vinegar, RO/DI Water, just a lil of a chemical change over 7 weeks, don't see it affecting cucs but you are removing a food source.

Removing the food source for multiple months is the intent behind the question, and will definitely affect the CUC. However the extent and nature of the effect is unknown. It could be minimal, significant, or anything in between.

but yes, I was not trying to imply that the bacteria were actively eating fish. Lmao
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I'm using it now, I've not seen any negative effects on CUC although I would imagine that if I were to use it long term and knock all the algae burden completely they would starve out. My blennies are still fat and snails still munching away for now.

awesome! Yeah, I meant to tag you to ask if you noticed any different in the belly size of your Starry Blenny. But you answered it before I could even ask. Lol