Vibrant usage?


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Hiram, Ga
Dose any one have any experience using Vibrant. I bought some on Amazon and they only had 2 options that I could see Fresh water and salt water. I bought the Salt water then saw on BRS that the have a reef version. Is it safe to use the Salt version on a reef tank. And if so dose any one have any dosing recommendations different than what’s on the bottle. Also do you need to remove charcoal from filtration? Thanks!
I think reef and salt versions are the same. I used it exactly as directed for a terrible hair algae problem. It took several weeks before I could even see a difference, but once it was noticeable it acted fairly quickly. It took 10 weeks to be completely free of hair algae and my chaeto suffered a bit but did not completely die. I reduced lighting a bit and skimmed a lot more wet. I do not run carbon. Wonderful product, I consider it a complete success.
Thanks for the input! I think I will remove the carbon and the Chaeto anyway. My main problem right now is water clarity, Diatoms and bubble algae. I hav a couple rocks that have some green hair Algae.
Also, a small warning. It will not kill cyano, and actually will add cyano to a previously clean tank. Their mixes either intentionally or unintentionally contain it, so be cautious.

It also kills sponges in addition to algaes. So remove any decorative sponges.

And its good to note that it likely will not kill off things 100%. Small spores often slip through (literally and figuratively). Ive seen bubble and turf algae disappear entirely, but then reappear a year later.

All that said, its still a great product! Just be aware of the consequences, as with any product.
We used it for several months. It did help a little with some types of hair algae but we also ended up with cyano bacteria blooms. Just traded green/brown for red. Reef Flux (fluconazole) works much better/faster in my opinion (notice visible signs of algae die-off in days vs. weeks). Full treatment for Reef Flux is still 3 weeks then a 30% WC if I recall correctly but it's helpful to knock back the algae so you can fix your nutrient levels and give your clean-up crew time to catch up.
I just got done with a 8 weeks treatment. After using it my phosphate and nitrate bottomed out, so be careful.
Will do ! I just finally got my phos down to 0.06 . The lowest it’s been since I set up my tank back in Feb. so yea I will definitely keep an eye on it . Thanks!
Is vibrant supposed to have any color or smell to it? Mine was clear and had no Oder to it. Read a review that said it was supposed to be a yellowish color.
Ok thanks. I was hoping the 1st dose would at least clear up the cloudy water but I guess I will be patient and wait.
Hah, I'd be more concerned if it had an odor than if it didn't.

It really doesn't do much for cloudy water if there's a bacterial bloom. Are you sure that's not your problem?
Not sure about a bacterial bloom? Just upgraded tank from 75 to 125G used same rock work and sand. Rinsed sand out pretty good hoping to keep water from getting to cloudy when I added water back in. Used 50G of fresh salt water and 75G of water from old tank. Dosed the tank with Seachem Prime let it run for a couple of days. Tested the water, had a ammonia spike .50 . Dosed it again, retested a couple days later everything tested good. I figured the cloudy water from filling the tank would settle and clear but it never did . I threw some Carbon in the sump to see if it would help. Still cloudy!🙄
Did some research on the internet. I think you may be right about the bacteria bloom. I don’t have a UV and can’t afford to get one right now, so just following some online advice. Pointed power head towards the surface to increase oxygen, vacuum sanded daily and be patient and let it cycle out. Anybody have any other suggestions please let me know. Thanks!