Vibrant users


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Had not seen that. And it was posted by the moderator of the Reef Chemistry forum, so not just alarmism. I used it two years ago and found it did little for my algae problems. Glad I stopped. I have to say, the whole phenomenon in this hobby of "Wonder Miracle Potion" that doesn't disclose ingredients is kind of hilarious. It's 2022, for gosh sakes.
yeah, I had similar experiences when I tried vibrant a few years ago. It kinda-sorta attacked some hair algae, but not really, and wiped out some acros, a massive LTA and nearly killed a giant colony of mushrooms. Never again. The original claim that vibrant was a 'fungal blend' or some nonsense is ridiculous.
I've been wondering why so many people were suggesting Vibrant for algae treatment. I've read so many experiences of tank crashes and coral deaths with Vibrant.

I was recommended Reef Flux. I haven't found any negative reviews or experiences from using ReefFlux. I haven't used it yet (in the mail), but I'm much less reluctant to use it rather than Vibrant.