Vodka dosing


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I am about to start Vodka dosing and wanted to know when I could take my reactor off line that is currently running GFO/carbon. I know that it will probably be six weeks or so before there is an adequate amount of bacteria built up, but I wonder if running the reactor will slow or hinder what my ultimate goal is in reducing PO4 and NO3.
RedStang;995331 wrote: What are your nitrate and phosphate levels at now?

I cant give you the exact numbers as I just ordered new test kits today, but 2 weeks ago when I checked they were staying steady at .1 for PO4 and around 5-6ppm for NO3.
I would leave reactor online until you are sure vodka can handle nurients. right now both your phates and trates are high for certain fish and coral...and fine for less sensitive creatures.
Ralph ATL;995366 wrote: I would leave reactor online until you are sure vodka can handle nurients. right now both your phates and trates are high for certain fish and coral...and fine for less sensitive creatures.

I was hoping you would chime in can you tell whens the right time to take it off? Obvioulsy I will be testing but that will be with the reactor still helping to control some of the nurtients, would you say about 6-8 weeks in?
you can always PM me?

after 8 years of carbon dosing, mine is still hooked up!

I "heard" good things about nopox or something from Red Sea (similar, but apparently you must remove gfo at some point!)