Vortech's in a 90


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Wondering about the placement some of you 90 gallon guys had for your vortechs?

One high, one low, one front, one back, etc?.....

I imagine some of it depends on rock placement, but overall is there a general idea?
i think in all honesty your going to get the most production by putting them both buried in the sand bed...

at the very least you'll get a nice volcano effect the first time you turn them on?

seriously though, every picture i've ever seen was side side
lol..that would be pretty cool....

yeah, I have them both on the sides I meant more like back on side, forward on the other, etc.
I have one vortech in my 90gal, left side about ten inches from the top. It works great for me at that spot. But I also have 3 tunze nano streams pointed in various positions. If I had a second one it would be on the right hand side lower set to a lower anti sync or in the back behind the rockwork set the same.
thanks guys....right now I have one about 6 inches from the top on the left and about ten inches from the back, and I have the other almost in the same position on the pother side. I could move either of the two lower but not much front to back because of the rockwork......unless it wouldnt be bad to put it a bit behind rocks. I have the return loc-lines pointing behind the rocks for flow back there.
does vortech not recommend anything on their website?
Ace, Derek's got 2 on a 140.

But Jorge I really think that it just depends on your rock placement
I have 2 in my 90. I just started the tan kabout 2 weeks ago so I am still messing with placement. Right now they are both on each side. ON the left it is from the center of the pump, 6 inches from the front of the tank and 9 inches from the top of the water. Remmber this is from the centerof the pump.

On the right it is 8 inches from the front, and 6 inches from the top. I am debating moving the one on the right to the back wall to see what happens...
rostato;298579 wrote: I am debating moving the one on the right to the back wall to see what happens...

I was also considering this but with the rock structure I think I'd lose way too much flow. I think Mockery is right though and that is probably what it has to do with the most. My guess is you just dont want rocks directly in front on the vortech