Walnut Grove Seaquarium Pig Roast 09


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I know you have all heard the rumors, so here is the official announcement: I will be hosting a get-together for all the SW reef folks on the East Coast in the Spartanburg, SC area at the Walnut Grove Seaquarium (my house) on SATURDAY, May 16th, 2009 from 3:30 PM until dark --RAIN OR SHINE-- (if it rains, we'll have BIG tents), at which time there will be an awesome fireworks display to end the event! I will be supplying a pig and preparing several BBQ sauces, along with some veggie alternatives for those that don't eat meat (Cath has a KILLER BBQ tofu...). We'll have fixin's and iced tea to support the pig, but adult beverages will be BYOB if you want a beer with your bbq... 'though there is a vicious rumor of a possible keg of cold dark beer showing up...


IF YOU ARE COMING FROM A DISTANCE OUT OF TOWN TO ROEBUCK, SC (29376), I WOULD SUGGEST STAYING OVERNIGHT somewhere in nearby Spartanburg, as the fireworks will not be over until after 9:30 PM or so. Cath has graciously agreed to make finding a place to stay as effortless as possible and within a reasonable budget for folks, and we will make sure that no one has to drive back to their accommodations under the influence. If you are having problems finding accommodations for Saturday night, I will be forwarding requests for assistance in finding lodging to Cath, so send any of these requests by midnight May 13th (Wednesday night) EITHER DIRECTLY TO ME VIA THE EMAIL ABOVE OR BY pm'ING ME HERE AT THE aTLANTA SITE.

There will be 2 long shallow tanks set up for frags if folks want to swap frags: one for softies and one with milbimycin in the water (Interceptor@- to kill red acro bugs) set up for stony corals. If you bring crustaceans for swaps, please be aware that the stony tank will have the potential of killing crustaceans (shrimp, crabs, etc.), so please make sure to leave them in the softie tank. There will also be a Tupperware tank for a sand swap for those of you that want to participate (sand samples will be dumped together, and if you contribute you can take some home at the end of the evening). I will have bags, extra ASW, and sealing bands for specimen bagging, but no styro coolers, so if you have distance to travel, don't forget to bring a cooler for your swap specimens. If you know that you have flatworms, please do not bring coral specimens or sand. It's been suggested that we have a flea market for old equipment sitting in folks’ closets, I will not be opposed to this, but items need to be pre-priced before they show up here.

In order for me to supply enough for everyone that shows, I will require that you RSVP to mailto:TRTreefpicnic09@aol.com">TRTreefpicnic09@aol.com</a> for information INCLUDING how to get to the picnic and a list of hotels NO LATER THAN MAY 13TH (Wednesday) AT MIDNIGHT.

Included in my response to your RSVP will be a MapQuest with directions as well as a phone number for access to a real person the day of the event in case you lose your way, and some more general info about the picnic. You can bring kids if you like, but please, no very small children or pets other than wet ones, as it is primarily an adult gathering, BYOB, and I'd prefer not to deal with crying babies or potential fights between pets (sorry, no offense to those with very small children, call me if you have questions on this).

There will be no cost to members of TRT or local reef clubs and their families, this is my gift to TRT and the reefers of the boards as a token of my esteem for them. There will be a tip bucket if you'd care to help defray the expenses, but this is TOTALLY VOLUNTARY; I do not want cost of the meal to keep folks away, traveling gas expense will be bad enough.

If you do want to bring something, please clear it with me by at least 3 days prior to the event.

REMEMBER, if you do not RSVP with an email to [IMG]mailto:TRTreefpicnic09@aol.com">TRTreefpicnic09@aol.com</a> including how many folks will be coming in your party and your expected arrival time, as well as if you need help finding lodging, I cannot promise you that you will be fed.

I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Saturday May 16th as possible!

Check back here often, I will post any changes here that may occur, but the event is rain or shine: There will be a tent if it rains, and the house is big, so don't worry about the weather.
Moderators: Please sticky this post if possible.

Thanks in advance.
Another birthday party, Tom? :)

I'll have to see if I can make it this year.... I missed last year too :(

Let me see if I can swing it... might have to be here for the big tank to leave... but if not I may call in a favor.

If anyone here hasn't been to one of Tom's pig pickins - you're missing out. He puts on a GREAT party!

It's an incredible party :) All the BBQ you can handle, side dishes galore... CAKE!

Frags, fireworks, fellowship...

I wanna go! (Just not sure yet if I can...)

Doug, perry and I have confirmed. We are also staying the night. Thanks Tom for the invite.
Does sound well put together and who does not like BBQ.

I really like the interceptor bath.

It sounds great as always Tom - but we will be at our son's college graduation. One of these days we will make it there!
Well I can get the day off... now it's up to the soon-to-be winning bidder of the big tank... if they don't want to move it out that day, we're a go. Working on a hotel room on Barter...

I should know for sure on Monday at the latest, and will RSVP as requested.

Alrighty, Tom! Get out the birthday cake - complete with blue zoanthids (I am STILL waiting on my frags, you know!!)

It's a 2-fer this year... Brian's birthday is on Saturday and mine is on Sunday!

Both of us will be there!!!! RSVP by email is on its way!

Heh! Jenn, I'll get a brownie an put a cancle on it for you (youturn 21 this year, right?)

Randy, I was looking forward to seeing you again...

Steve, I expect you and Margi next year!

Jenn, I have you two down on the list, along with Simon and his crew!

It is open to whomever can make it up again, 4th pig Roast!
Seedless Reefer;339940 wrote: Wow Tom this is an incredible invitation!

So bring a bag of chips and a few beers... RSVP at
a> and there will be plenty of pig plus fireworks after sunset!
sailfish;340062 wrote: Does sound well put together and who does not like BBQ.

I really like the interceptor bath.

Just in case, we will have BBQ'd Tofurkey an Tabouli!