Want to borrow Elos test kits for CA/KH/Mag for test kit comparison


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I am planning on doing a test kit comparison between the following test kit brands: Red Sea Reef Foundation, Salifert, API, and Elos. I own Red Sea, Salifert and am buying the API kits, but I need to borrow a current, unexpired Elos test kit for Mag, Ca and KH.

I am going to test a water sample with each of the 4 kits for ca/mag/kh and send some of the same sample to a lab for analysis, so ARC Members can see a real world comparison of these brand test kit results with what a lab says, so we can get an idea as to the real accuracy of these test kits, and not just anecdotal type experience. I plan on repeating this same scenario a week after the first one just for comparison.

If anyone is using Elos kits and wouldn't mind me borrowing their kits for a few days, I would appreciate it. Elos are a bit expensive to just buy for this test, and I am paying for the API and the lab analysis out of my own pocket at $45 per analysis.

Please send me a PM if you can let me borrow your Elos test kits for a few days. I live in Sandy Springs.
I have calcium and mag but I'm out of alk. You can borrow mines if need be.

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I may have alk. Let me check. You'd have to get it tho. To far of a drive for me. If you get hoangs I'm around the corner from him

I have the API reef.....kit, Elos Ca, Alk, no mag though. LMK.
Thanks so much for the offers. I think I'm going to borrow the API Ca/KH/Mag and the Elos KH and Ca from sts04c (Scott), as he is close to me so they'll be easy to pick up and return.

If anyone is close to Sandy Springs and has a current Elos magnesium Test kit I could borrow, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll borrow the Elos magnesium from Hoang.

I amordering the AWTesting materials tonight.

You are the man. Looking forward to the results
Sorry I missed your thread, I was under the eather yesterday....I have all, but let me see if my mag is expired.....