Watch out for those flatworms....


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They are deadly. I noticed them just before moving to my new house at the beginning of the month. After the move, they all died suddenly and nuked the tank. It was a 3 gal, so it went fast. All my shrooms(blue, green striped, red), a nice ricordia, candy cane, blasto, birdsnest, green monti... gone... The shrooms just melted, I am sure contributing to the problem. Many zoos were lost too, but some are still there, closed up but not dead yet. The yellow polyps are all closed up as well...

Now the red slime appears... I am doing nearly 50% water changes every 5 days give or take, so hopefully they will survive.

My snails, crabs, and 2 gold coral banded shrimp have been troopers, still cruising around.

I think I will add a mini jet and rework the rock to add some flow. Any other suggestions?

Oh yeah, the kenya tree frag I got from the Feb meeting is still in there... and still has not attached to anything... the most stubborn coral I have ever seen. I have stuck it, banded it, and bridesveiled it (is that a word?). I figure I will try to wedge it between 2 frags and hope for the best... haha.

It's a 3 gal Tom aquatic acryllic tank with an AC 20 power filter running floss and purigen. I was thinking of running seagel to remove any phosphates for a while. I have the current usa PC 36W 18 inch light.
For those hard to attach softies, I have another method. Put a piece of tupperware with tall sides in the bottom of your tank. Put a lot of rubble in the tubberware. Place frag on top. Try to keep the tupperware out of flow, but in the light.

The tupperware blocks flow so that the frag stays put. The frag will eventually attach to one of the pieces of rubble (or the tupperware; but then you can cut the tupperware and glue it to a rock!!!).