Watchman and pistol, will they settle?


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I added a yellow watchman goby and pistol a week ago... Initially I thought they bit the dust because I didn't see them for 2-3 days, but they showed up and have stayed up front of the rock now for the most part, but every night for the last 3-4 nights they've moved their burrow. Do they constantly relocate or are they just sampling the various areas until they find their perfect little love shack? :)

The first couple of spots they picked are near where one of my brittle stars has set up camp in a rock cave so I'm wondering if they're just moving away from it, because they're slowly working their way across the tank further away from it.
when I moved my 30G in to my 210 I did not see my YWG for about 10 days. I think your paid is acting normal and they will eventually find the perfect spot and settle in, probably not where you want them though! My yahsia Goby pair along with their pistol shrimp constantly move the opening to the burrow. Most of the time it is in front of the rock work but sometimes it's in the back and I can't seen them :sad:

Normal behavior for these guys.

I added an orange spot goby and pistol last week. I saw the pistol for the first day but have not seen him since. The goby is out all the time however I dont see the pistol with him. I hope they hook up with each other soon.
Our shrimp/goby pair don't stay in the same place for long. We're thrilled when they construct a burrow where we can see it, but they always relocate in just a matter of days.
todd03blown;234295 wrote: I added an orange spot goby and pistol last week. I saw the pistol for the first day but have not seen him since. The goby is out all the time however I dont see the pistol with him. I hope they hook up with each other soon.

I had the same experience with my YWG and a tiger pistol I added. They hooked up for a few days then the pistol decided to relocate. Apparently the YWG liked the original burrow so he stayed put. I still see them together at times so I am sure the burrows connect under the rock work but they are not together all the time anymore.