water change schedulle?!?!!?


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Guys i was doing weekly water changes and the corals was doing ok. but a got lazy and went a month w/o any water changes. but now my corals are better than ever? what's going on?? I just have corals who like dirt water, or I'm just having a bad judment?
Maybe your water changes were stressing out your animals rather than being beneficial??? Were you matching PH, salinity, cal, alk, ect?

I am not expert, but I stopped doing weekly water changes because of the same reason. In my first tank I noticed that the more often I did weqater changes the more stressed the inhabitants seemed.

I went to 2 week periods for the first 3 months of my new tanks life, now I am going to do just one big one every month (25-30%).
it is my opinion that water changes can be very taxing on the inhabitants of ones tank. Although there is no prescribed schedule or agenda when to comes to WC's , there are some basic practices that can reduce the shock of WC's on your system.
I usually mix my water a couple of days ahead of time and keep it circulated and well saturated with O2. Then test the parameters in the display and then test your new water. The big three things you want to match are temp, ph, and salinity. Although it may be noted that you may wish to test for other parameters as well such as Alk, Calcium, or even mag. Once you've matched ypur parameter's you should be good to go.
Personally I like to do my WC's either when the lights are out or just the acintics being on. I will siphon out of the display and fill into the sump.
One last thing, and opions will vary on this, is the amount of the change and the frequency. Some people like doing biweekly or monthly changes, and any of these are okay as long as your fairly regular about it. I prefer to do a 5 gallon change every couple of days, and my reasons are for this... IT IS MUCH MORE STABLE WATER CONDITIONS. Your constantly taking a little and giving a little is never so bad as your corals adjusting to bad water and shocking them with a large change.
I also use a water pump to return water into the display slowly so its not the bucket over the top method like my FW tanks.
I like once a month - less stress and I only do about 15%. Enough to suck out the bad stuff that's collected in the rocks - that's about it.
Although I've only been at this since April of this year -- I have been doing a weekly water change of 15g on my 125g display + 30g sump. Considering the displacement of the rocks -- I'm guessing this is about a 10% water change.

I mix the water on Thursday and have a small circulating pump running 24/7 in the mixing tank. I make the water change on Sunday.

I remove the water from the display tank in order to clean some of the rock surfaces, etc.

There's no question in my mind that the fish are upset by this (mostly my yellow and sailfin tangs). I would take the water from the sump -- but then I would miss the opportunity of cleaning the display.

Frankly, my experience has been that the fish seem less agitated when ALL the lights are on as I siphon from the display tank. For all they know, I'm going to feed them -- and I do once the water change is complete.

From all I've read (and the posts here) there is no single sure-fire approach. You do what works for you -- and if it works -- keep doing it.
I only been at this since July. I change apprx 10% per week. Usually Saturday morning. Keep the Nitrates down.
I only do a water change once every 2-3 months on both my 30 and 55g and have had no real problems. Basicly once i start to see some hair/slime algae grow I knock it all down and do a water change. Usually only about a 15% change. Sorry to all you die hard water changes, I'm lazy.
Water changes also replenish elements absrobed by fish, bacteria, and invertevrates. Nitrate reduction is typically the primary function of a water change, though.
only thing i realy have trouble with is phosphates, sometimes a little nitrate in the 55 but nothing wild(5ppm).
I do a 5gl change on my 29gl tank every other week, im onley on change number 7 or 8 so im still a noob but i think my tank apreciates it.