Water changes


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How often should I change 10 to 15% of the water in my SW tank? I'm new to SW and I'm not sure if I should use the same schedule as my freshwater tanks. (I have FW Discus' and Angels and I change 30% of their water every week.) I have a 30 gal SW tank w/(all small) clown, 2 b&w striped Damsel, another damsel a brittle star 3 or 4 hermits, snails and 4 or 5 small soft corals that another person gave to me not sure of all their names yet. I do have a skimmer, a power head, 20lbs of lr and ls.
I have a 30 GAL reef that I change at least 10-20% every 2 weeks. Depends on your bio-load and requirements. As a general rule, 10% every few weeks is fine.
You don't need to change 30% every week. Some people do weekly water changes, while others do it every 2 weeks. If you are doing weekly, I would do 10-15%, if every other week, I would do 20-25%. You want to hit around 40-50% of the tank water changed out every month. I think this is a fair and common practice throughout.
I am not endorsing this statements just passing them along:

Fenner - Marine Aquarist wrote: Be religious about water changing - if you can, change 5 to 20 percent of your water volume per week.

Tullock - Natural Reef Aqauriums wrote: Plan on doing a 20% water change about 30 days after the live rock is first added and each month thereafter
well, depending on where you get the live rock. If it been a LONG journey then i would change over 50% after the first month of introduction. I usually change 5% per week, then a 20% 4-6 weeks.
jefftullius wrote: I do have a skimmer, a power head, 20lbs of lr and ls.

Jeff, you may want to consider adding more live rock to your system as well. Many hobbyists feel that about 1 lb. per gallon is the minimum for a reef tank, and it's my opinion that adding live rock is the single most effective thing you can do to add stability to your system. (Just trying to be helpful.)

BTW, I change roughly 15% every week. It might be a little high compared to most regimens, but occasionally I miss a week.
Personally, I have a 25g tank (heavy on the rock, so less than 25g water), 15g refugium with a 5" DSB (again, not so much water) and a Rubbermaid 35 gallon tote for a sump. Probably about 45g of water or so.

I do a 5g Home Depot bucket water change every week. I pour off the RO water and set it to heat on Friday afternoon, Saturday I drop in the salt, Sunday evening I do the change.