wave maker


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going to add a wavemaker to my tank, was looking at the red sea wavemaster with korilia heads but someone I have a great deal of trust in warned me off and recommends korilia wave maker system. Opinions on each or other solutions appreciated
Koralia powerheads may not do as well on non-koralia systems. Maxi Jets are great powerheads for wavemakers as long as you don't mod them.

If you're going to get the controllable Koralias and the Hydor wavemaker, might as well just get a Vortech instead...
read way too many bad things about vortech and their noise do you not find a noise issue with them
Don't have one...yet, but seen and heard plenty and while I could hear them, they weren't loud by any means, and definitely more quiet than my fixture fans or my surface cooling fans.
Vortech's noisey...mine is very quiet...i can put my ear on the motor and hear it but that is about it
The koralias won't work with the red sea controller.

Vortechs are nice, but you can hear them. If you want quality and silence, then Tunze's your best option. Tunze is by far a superior product than the koralia.
They'll work but not for long, and will be noisey. Someone just posted a mod to make them more reliable. (doc?)
Vortecs are not noisey. Ask anyone with them to come by and check them out.
Modded maxi's if ya want a cheaper route until you get the vortecs or tunze.
You can take your time and look and get a great deal on a used tunze setup and be done later. Short term----Koralia's hold their value especially when swapping for frags. Just leave them off of the wavemaker.
have read about a mod to korilias using air tubing to stop the chatter, I see just on this thread the controversy of vortech being noisey with 1 saying mine aren't another saying they are guess it depends on the individual unit. I'm also looking at the low volt korilia with korilia wave maker just found a good price on a unit.
Shameless plug- I can set you up with 2 x tunze 6100 and controller for $550.

These are the larger pumps, but they're killer.

Skriz;373722 wrote: Shameless plug- I can set you up with 2 x tunze 6100 and controller for $550.

These are the larger pumps, but they're killer.

Nice of you though
thanks for the offer but not sure I want something that big in a 90. I will say that I am getting a bit confused with the conflicting debate on using koralia pumps on a wavemaster. Now I'm reading the wavemaster has a soft start if that is the case any PH should work with it.
I do have an offer for a new in the box set of controlable koralias with controler for roughly $320 with 2 - #2 PH
I can tell you straight off that 2 #2s won't be enough in a 90. I have 2 K3's in my 90 and it's not enough. I'm definitely going bigger.

That said you could sell them on here or flebay and pick up some 4 or 5's.
thanks for the info I would have thought 2 PH's running 680gph per unit plus a mag 12 return would have created enough flow. Guess will have to ask about price increase for #4's
ok picked up a wavemaster pro last week for around $50 put a couple of 400gph heads on it worked great then added a 3rd 250gph head and everything was going smooth. Then had a service call I ended up handling myself do to scheduling problems with my other service techs anyhow the customer had a month old koralia wavemaker 2 position with #2 heads in his tank he was tearing down, he brought them by my office this afternoon and I picked them up for under $200 and I have to agree the 650gph don't make it but the question I have is: do the italians have a different way of measuring gph than the rest of the world because that has got to be the weakest 650gph I have ever felt or is it do to how the water flows from the power head. Now I'm in a quandry of do I go to the #3 head or do I really want something with as large of a footprint as a #4 head.
Well remember it's not in a straight line it's a cone. Compared to a MJ or something, it's going to feel weaker because it's not focused. I mixed some water with my K3 one time in a circular container and it had a huge vortex going in a matter of minutes (think last battle of Pirates of the Caribbean 3). It's flow, but it's wide, and it's good.