weird observation


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I have noticed that my foxface will to to the sruface and blow air through his gills. Is this normal? He does it all the time after the day lights go out.

He has been doing it since I got him, but I am just now realizing this is werid.

Yes I have enough oxygenation I have 2 vortechs blowing around everything.

It's just odd, and cool looking to see him go up to the top and start blowing air through his gills. It looks cool...:yes: but is it normal? that is the question.
ok well thats exactly what mine does. He is a lively little creature. Mine sucks from the air above the surface of the water.

He even sometimes runs laps around the tank using the vortechs as a turn around points. he will swim around the sides of them as he turns around. Priceless to watch. I try to get a vid, but then she stops.
My blue jaw swims around like that right in front of the return (I have a spray bar that sprays the water along the back wall, and there's a mag-rock back there). He swims around the rock right against the wall, one way with the current, one way against, then turning around at the ends, pretty funny. He always does it right after the lights come on and right before they go off; we just say he's swimming his laps.
Barb, when i saw this post I thought of you. And guess what....

One of my anthias has started to do this after we talked about your foxface. She is the largest female, and does it occasionally. It is very funny to watch. Quite and odd behavior.
Is that a Lemon Peel? If so, is it yours? Just wondering because I want one but all I read says they aren't reef safe.

Fisherwoman;318303 wrote: Rosato,
Is that a Lemon Peel? If so, is it yours? Just wondering because I want one but all I read says they aren't reef safe.


oops ... here is the "t" I dropped from your screen name :)
Fisherwoman;318303 wrote: Rosato,
Is that a Lemon Peel? If so, is it yours? Just wondering because I want one but all I read says they aren't reef safe.


Yes it's a lemon peel Mimic Tang, not the angel variations. Yes it's mine, and yes I love it! Very reef safe. Eats all the hair algae it sees. Really cool Tang, but will become a choclate tang with age. Should look like this. Sometimes they are hard to find...

I had a scribled rabbitfish that would do that very often as well. I always attributed it to oxygen debt as you theorized. Although we have plenty of flow in our tanks, that doesn't necessarily mean the water is well oxygenated.
True, but you would think that you would have plenty on oxygenation with a good protien would think.
My Magnificent in the display does it. He will actually chase an air bubble if the powerheads blow it around. :) I chalked it up to not having a full deck also. Maybe it is the way these fish are.

rostato;318329 wrote: True, but you would think that you would have plenty on oxygenation with a good protien would think.

Well... there's no doubt it helps but does it get our o2 levels up to the ocean's par? I dunno. Maybe they're crazy, maybe they just have fun with it, or maybe they do it to increase the oxygen levels in their blood. Your guess is as good as mine :).
Think it's still processing, but just a video of my trigger swimming along the back wall."></a>
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That is absolutely hilarious! My fox face does the same thing, but he goes the full length of the tank and around each vortech. I need to get a vid of him doing it, but as soon as I sit down he stops and begs for food.

Oh, and your chromis are HUGE!
rostato;319246 wrote: That is absolutely hilarious! My fox face does the same thing, but he goes the full length of the tank and around each vortech. I need to get a vid of him doing it, but as soon as I sit down he stops and begs for food.

Oh, and your chromis are HUGE!

Yeah, I have a little stool that I can sit on for working in the sump or scrubbing the glass, and I had to sit there for a good 10min before he would do it again (which is why I left the TV on and you can still hear it).

The Chromis are giants! I've only had them for a few months and they've grown double the size they were when I got them.