Well I finally grew a pair...

seedless reefer

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I drilled the 125 Saturday. 2 3/4" holes for the returns and 2 1" for the drains.

I drilled the tank in place with water, livestock and everything still in the tank.

Took forever so I hope it pays off with blessed SILENCE!
Whew... that is some balls. I would be affraid the weight of the water might cause a crack that otherwise would not form.
yeah, we drilled mine w/ water and LS in it too--I was a nervous wreck-
Seedless Reefer;128013 wrote:
I drilled the tank in place with water, livestock and everything still in the tank.

Wow -- just wow. I would have been envisioning the back wall shattering from the force of 125 gallons of water pressing against some newly created tiny crack and flooding the place. That alone would have stopped me.

Is the thing silent now?

I'd like to know if it works for silence b/c I have an undrilled 55 that I am setting up, and trying to decide whether to drill it or just get an HOB overflow, and I like silence very much.
It was a requirement that he do this while I wasn't home so I could escape the fireworks!!!

Even so... coulda sworn that while I was on the Tour of Tanks on Saturday, I heard a stream of profanity from the direction of Powder Springs.

But... have to admit. It looks pretty darned good.

Real test will be when all of the plumbing is in and he throws the main switch.
She's gonna flood if the power goes out I can tell you that.

It is quieter but I don't have the standpipes completed that should settle it down more.

I have done something wrong with the plumbing I think also but it can all be remedied I believe.

I need to adjust it as well but the hard part is past me.
Seedless Reefer;128534 wrote: She's gonna flood if the power goes out I can tell you that.

It is quieter but I don't have the standpipes completed that should settle it down more.

I have done something wrong with the plumbing I think also but it can all be remedied I believe.

I need to adjust it as well but the hard part is past me.

I'm working as fast as I can, Captain! I have to purge the ball valves, recalibrate the pvc connections, and adjust the return blow back connections and don't even mention the dilithium crystals! Ah sorry I got carried away!:eek:
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okay, so you made me google!

any one of these would work...

"Even if we were under full scale attack I couldn't move any faster, not and maintain a safety factor." -- Scotty, The Naked Time, stardate 1704.2, Episode 7

"A can't change the laws of physics. A've got to have thirty minutes." -- Scotty, The Naked Time, stardate 1704.3, Episode 7

"I'd love to tear this baby apart." -- Scotty, Space Seed, stardate 3141.9, Episode 24

"The warp drive is a hopeless pile of junk." -- Scotty, The Doomsday Machine, stardate 4202.9, Episode 35

"The shape the thing's in it's hard to keep it from blowin'." -- Scotty, The Doomsday Machine, stardate 4202.9, Episode 35

"I've giv'n her all she's got captain, an' I canna give her no more." -- Scotty, (Several Times)

"She won't take much more of this." -- Scotty, (Several Times)

"This jurry-rigging won't last for long..." -- Scotty, (Several Times)

"Ma barins...ma poor barins." -- Scotty, (Several Times)