Well that's a new issue...


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So for the few days, I've been having issues with my 95 gallon tank draining. So bad that twice now it has completely filled up right to the edge and nearly draining the sump of all reserve water. :eek:

So shut down the pump, remove the lights so I can see into the overflow. Remove the...no idea what's it called...the pvc type piece that allows the overflow to fill and then drain through it. I may not know what it's called but at least I know how it works.. :tongue:

Anywhoooo.. After it finishes draining, I look in and see a Mexican Turbo snail. Is it stuck or just the shell jammed in there? No idea. Grab something to poke and it's jammed in there big time. I finally grab a fiberglass stick my wife uses for tying plants to. I decide that one way or another..even if it's alive, I have to clear the drain and I can't reach down there with my hands. Turns out it wasn't alive as I smashed the shell into pieces. It's back to draining normally but that was a new issue for me...
the piece of pipe you were talking about is called a stand pipe lol. and to prevent the issue from reoccurring i would get a strainer for the top of your stand pipe so that no creatures can get down in it.
You can drill 1/16 holes all the way around the stand pipe where the water enters it and you some fishing line to lace
it like a " tennis racket"
I've had that happen. Before the Durso style pipe, had a turbo go into a vertical standpipe. He made it all the way down to the bulkhead. What a pain that was to clear :-/

Yep, an intake screen of some type is the best way to prevent that.

ive got some 1/4" clear mesh screen i could mail you for free. its plastic so it wont corrode and you can attach it with a rubber band. let me know if you want it.
I installed a float switch on the DT that would shut off the pump when the water reached above a maximum level. It saved my wood floors and finished basement several times over the course of years. My tank wasn't drilled, but I still don't trust any types of drains.