What’s this on one of my frogspawn heads?


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While I was doing my weekly maintenance yesterday, I noticed something white and almost fuzzy(?) on only a single head. Haven’t noticed anything like this before. I tried gently knocking it off with some tweezers, but the head just retracted and closed up and when it opened back up this was still there. Didn’t get a chance to check it this morning before heading to work to know if it’s still there or not.3BD2387F-775D-4132-BD26-783788813476.jpeg
Looking more like mesentetial filaments than a nudi, thanks for the info!
Mesenterial filaments
That was my first though as well but I thought these were connected to the mouth of the lps.
I remember seeing similar ribbons on r2r which turned out to be some sort of slug eggs...but idk
That was my first though as well but I thought these were connected to the mouth of the lps.
I remember seeing similar ribbons on r2r which turned out to be some sort of slug eggs...but idk
I battled euphyllia eating flatworms for quite a while, but haven’t had any in months now. The eggs, once I realized what they were, looked nothing like this either. They were brown and egg shaped, not ribbon-like. I’ll take a peak later this evening and see if it’s still there.
Look like mesenteries. They can emerge from the mouth or from open wounds on the corals surface. What's odd to me is that the coral seems pretty content, usually when euphyllia expel filaments they look pretty rough..
That coral is still happy. I moved it over to my Deskmate once it had settled in and all the zoas/mushrooms were happy, to see if it could handle LPS. It’s still only 3 heads, but they seem quite content. And I haven’t seen those since this post 🤷‍♂️