What a weekend


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It started of good. I met RasingTwo, had a nice dinner with the wife, and didn't get harassed Saturday morning till about 8:30. Saturday afternoon we decided to head into Columbus. Around 5PM a neighbor calls and says no sense in coming home to eat since the power was out. We went ahead and just ate out. We did a little shopping after eating and ended up home around 11PM, power still out of course. I figured I might as well get my battery operated air pumps out for the tanks. When I went to the 240 I found a problem. My check valve stuck and I leaked about 15-20 gallons on the floor. I took everything apart, replumbed the whole system today since I cheapskate it the first time (another $200 for everything). The power didn't come back on till around 5:30 this morning. What a weekend is all I have to say. To top it off I have a couple leaks to fix now. As far as I am concerned they can just leak. I'll get them later since they are just a drip here and there. If it weren't for the better half I think this tank would have a few holes in it... The only things I think I have lost are an encrusting monti frag, hydnophora, and a milli that looks real bad. No fish had any issues. I am surprised I had coral issues though. I have never had a coral issue with power outage. Lesson learned though. I moved the returns up higher so they can't drain as much anymore and through the check valve in the trash. The carpet is almost dry now but not quite. The better half wet vacked for a few hours today while I replumbed. I bet we used at least 30 towels last night. I think I am going to get a generator soon. It would have saved me a lot of headaches. I wonder how much a whole house generator would cost. Maybe that'll be my big project next year. Sorry to vent. I needed to.
that sucks, sorry man.

WHole house generators are insanely expensive! You're better off with a ups and an air pump/powerhead.
You can just pick up a portable and get switch gear to make it only run specific curcuits in your house and make the connection easy. It will require you to be there to start it. Like skriz said whole house automated generators are pretty pricey and you could probably just replace the tank way cheaper.
I'll get the the rest of the leaks sometime this week. I had 2 more than I thought. I think my attitude at home right now is probably not very enjoyable for the family. I need to go sit down and drink a beer. I keep getting frustrated everytime I mess with this thing. I told the wife today all animals-dogs, cats, bird, tanks- all included could go as far as I was concerned. Sometimes I just don't think it's worth it.