What about a vacation?


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Well we are definently going away for spring brreak so what is the best thing to do with your tank? The big system should be fine for a week but i'm thinking my 30g won't be. should i train a kid in the neighborhood? I'm not sure what the best option is. LMK what you have done when you go away.
Thanks, Diane
You're going away for a week? How many gallons do you evaporate a day outta the 30?
Find someone responsible you know, and PAY THEM. Don't bank on them saying they'll do it out of their generosity, because people get lazy, and their first thought will be "he's not even giving me anything, so what if I miss a day or two". Pay half up front, and half when you get back, so you can make sure everything is alive and well before you hand over the rest of the money. People are more likely to put a little care into something they're being paid to do, vs. doing for free.

Train him, write down directions/steps, etc. As easy as it may seem to you or me, it might be rocket science to someone else and the less they have to think about, the better. How much is your top off every day? Maybe get 5 empty water bottles and label them M-F or whenever you're leaving so all he/she has to do is pour in a bottle a day. Also, if you use flakes, get a pill box from Walmart or Target and put the correct amount of food in the box so all he/she has to do is open that day's box and dump it in.
I would buy an ATO if you don't have one already; they're worth their weight in gold. You can set up a temporary ro supply right next to the tank for now (since nobody will be home anyway).

Get an automatic feeder. I have one that feeds three times a day and works perfectly for situations like this. In fact, I keep it on all the time, so when I'm not there to overfeed, the fish don't really skip a beat.

Other than that, there is not much that a "trained" kid is going to be able to do for you. I wouldn't waste your time or money on some kid that doesn't know what he's doing. More than likely, he will do more harm than good (ie. overfeeding, etc).

I left my tank for a few months once without anybody watching it; everything was okay when I got back. Another time, I had a ton of stuff RTN on me; I even had an experienced reefer watching over the tank! It wasn't anything he did and there was nothing he could do to stop the rtn either; but the point is, if something is going to happen in your tank, it will happen no matter who you have watching it or what you are doing to prevent it from happening. Some things will just happen.
def go with an ATO setup, but I would also pay somebody on the ARC to stop by and check up for peace of mind. Where in Marietta are you?
when is your spring break?? I live in Marietta

Whenever I go out of town I just do what was mentioned above.. get water bottles and label them with each day so my mom or whoever is checking on the tank can just pour in the bottle and then dump in the food container
My whole family is going away for spring break. It is the first week of april. I probobly get about a 1/2g evaporation a day. I think I'll have to have someone come over to feed though. I'm in the prosses of weening my yellow clown gobies from brine shrimp to frozen cyclopleeze. Plus someone is going to have to watch my russian tortioses. I'm 2 minutes away from Fullers park.
oh, and the Jee my gdm will have to be feed otherwise he might try to eat the little fish.
I could watch your tank, I live in Hampton woods, your practically down the street