What are my dopey clowns doing?


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Ever since I got this new tank, my clowns seem to be fighting their reflection in the upper right-hand corner. At least I assume that's what they're doing. They actually even make a lot of noise and have knocked off the powerhead - although that's not what they were after. They spend a lot of their day doing this.

Any comments or ideas?

(Ignore the green glass. I have some cleaning to do this weekend.)

They might be "cleaning" the area. My clowns would pick at rock, powerhead, etc. and would hang out in that area.
Rodasphoto;1111537 wrote: They might be "cleaning" the area. My clowns would pick at rock, powerhead, etc. and would hang out in that area.

Hmmm - there's really nothing there. The tank is a little over 3 months old. They never did it in my JBJ (that broke during a move).
Catgirl29;1111538 wrote: Hmmm - there's really nothing there. The tank is a little over 3 months old. They never did it in my JBJ (that broke during a move).

Mine would pick at the glass even when it was clean.
ORYANSREEF;1111543 wrote: look like mine, they host the upper left corner of the tank.


Looks like you have a mating pair. That's what mine do to the rock before they lay eggs.
They scrape the area they intend to put eggs, to clean it. You can't see 'dirt' there, but they can.

In the next 24 hours, expect to see them doing the mating jig. She'll pass over a spot and deposit a few eggs, he'll dance over them and fertilize them. The whole process can take an hour or more, depending on how many eggs she has.

Unfortunately once they hatch they are right there at the overflow to get sucked down :( Oh well... circle of life. They aren't the sharpet tacks in the box for putting them there!
