What are the odds


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A few months ago I added a small darwin clown to go with my big female darwin and within two days they bonded no nipping and no fighting. Well i added an upside down shell in for future use hoping if they ever did start spawning they would use it and happened to have enough room beside it to add my four heads of duncan i bought i couple of months ago. Right off the bat the female started hosting it. Well I just picked up a green bta today and moved my duncan to a different spot to give him a chance to stay open and hopeully start growing and placed the bta in the same place the duncan use to be with hopes that the female would take to the bta. Wouldn't you know it within ten minutes of the bta being in the tank he set his footing and both of my clowns took to him right away. Now the male is already going into the prespawn mode and starting to really try to clean and debris that is inside the shell. I was just wondering what are the odds. I mean bonding as fast as they did, both taking to a nem as soon as it gets into the tank, and male already starting prespawning rituals withing an hour of the nem even being in the tank? I've read a lot on clowns and how it can take weeks if not months before they bond, up to a year to get them to host a nem if ever, and getting prespawning tendancies right after nem introduction with it can take up to almost two years to see this type of behavior. I just thought this was very unusual. Now if i see eggs anytime soon i may just have to say i put together the perfect pair lol

Edit: Neither of the clowns had ever had a nem to host btw
I had a similar situation. I had a large ocellaris, purchased a black ocellaris, about two weeks later, we had eggs; and then every two weeks after that. The beat up every single fish and coral in that that tank! The large female would pick acros up and drop them on my duncans and frogspawn! I had to find another home for them.
i just found it unusual. what you been up to anyways bud. did you ever pick up that massive elegance you were looking at last week?
I sure did! It was pretty, and then it was sold. I've been alright, can't complain.
Very nice with adding and changing things around I wish the best it will be a sure talked about process as far as how fast everything happened.