What are your future plans for the hobby?


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Cumming, Georgia
What are your future plans for the hobby?

Will you do a SPS only tank? Upgrade your tank? Keep some livestock that are consider more difficult to keep? Upgrade any equipment?

For me I will just be adding some more coral to my tank but nothing major.
Currently have a 70 gallon reef tank with a diy 20 gallon sump. Would love to upgrade to at least a 150 if I can convince my SO that it wouldnt break and flood the basement. Pretty happy with my current corals, but would love a bigger tank to accommodate bigger fish like tangs.
It’s all about taking it slow and steady for me right now so I don’t have huge plans for upgrades. I’m growing my few frags out and collecting more as I go.
I think my next couple of upgrades will be a reefbrite XHO addition to my lights so i can cut down on shadows and a co2 scrubber to help get my ph up.
My tank is only a 50 gallon cube and I would love a bigger tank but for now I want to see how full I can get this one and how successful I can be with a tank packed full of corals.
This 180 is the future for now. Lol It's my dream tank. All the things I couldn't have when the 90 was up, I'm getting. I also plan to attempt to keep some NPS like Dendros (Black Sun specifically and maybe a spider sponge). I also want a big blue Maxima. I will have my tangs as well. Then maybe if I can convince the man, I really want a Peacock Mantis tank and a predator FOWLR too. One day. Lol

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6 months, have a good healthy stable growing 90g mixed reef. 1 year I want to do a 180 or maybe even a 8foot tank.

Not sure which one will become the sps dominant tank but certainly plan to have an sps dominant system and a mixed. Doing a 180 or larger sps seems horrifyingly expensive but super high flow and a 6-8ft tank seems like the ticket for keeping a clown tang.