What causes bubble tips on an anenome?


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I've had a rbta for a month now, and have yet to see any signs of bubble tips. Only info I could find is possibly the lack of random flow. Any tips/suggestions?
Our RBTA is weird.. We've noticed that when he's in the direct light, he has bubbles. And when in the shade, he just has long tips.

But he moves back and forth, every couple months. Very odd, but I don't know how to keep him in one spot.

I can't remember if it was Knop or who it was that just did a magazine article about this and I think something may even have been posted on here similar, but many things come into play with different set ups supposedly. Lighting, diet, feeding timing, flow and even the fanning of a hosting fishes tail and the waste they produce feeding the nem.
If anyone ever came up with an answer to this that is repeatable in tanks that wuold be great. The RBTA in my 120G had bubbled tips for the first six months, but now only occassionally bubbles. The ones in my anemone tank have bubbles all the time. When Bobz had his GBTA in a 55G it would have bubble tips on half of it and at the same time the other half had longer tentacles with no bubbles.