What could be wrong with this chromis?


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I have 5 chromis total and one of them has been acting strange the last couple days. I've never had any problems with fish before so I have no idea what it could be. He/she has has a string of something coming from its pooper for the last couple days. He/she has also not been very active and seems to hanging out by itself. It also seems to be bloated. I also just dropped some pellets into the water and he went and hid in the rocks. Here are some pictures of the string thing. Any ideas?

White stringy poop is many times indicative of internal parasites. If he's not eating, there's not a lot you can do about that. If anyone else is showing signs of that, I would start blending your food with Seachem Metronidazole and Seachem Focus. Do some extra research before you start medicating to be sure you're actually dealing with parasites.

The black marks on his side look like scars/damaged scales. Has anyone been picking on him?
The marks are from the glass. If you look at the 2nd pic they aren't there. I was afraid it was a parasite. Do I have to worry about it getting in my other fish or do these things usually stay with it original host?
They're usually isolated, as intestinal parasites have to be ingested. I don't think a little chromis will produce enough poop to interest another fish into eating it.

If it dies, it is obviously going to, remove it to prevent the other fish from picking at it and possibly picking up an infection.
so if i catch him and put him out of his misery, do you think it would be ok to feed to anemone? Or prob not worth the risk?
andregarcia_73;279670 wrote: He may be constipated in my opinion. But again IDK as I havent had this prob before.

Ya i thought that he could be stopped up, but I don't know of any reef safe laxatives.

I am contemplating making a mini harpoon/spear gun to catch this guy. I really don't want any other fish infected.
Killing him is just kinda mean for stringy poop. I mean how would you feel if you had constipation and someone chase you around trying to kill you. I'd just put him in a fish bowl for a day or two and see if he makes it. I hate killing my fishes, do w/e I can to save it.
Thanh386;280022 wrote: Killing him is just kinda mean for stringy poop. I mean how would you feel if you had constipation and someone chase you around trying to kill you. I'd just put him in a fish bowl for a day or two and see if he makes it. I hate killing my fishes, do w/e I can to save it.

It was more than just stringy poop. He wasn't eating, became very skidish, breathing at a rapid rate, and he moved very slow. Regardless if he was able to get better or not he is now gone. I caught him and sent him to fishy heaven. I'm not risking the health of my more expensive prized fish for a 3yr old $5 chromis. Sorry if anybody thinks its mean or inhumane its just how I feel.