What could've killed my Dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish?


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This past Sunday I bought a small dwarf fuzzy lionfish. He looked very healthy in the store and I watched them feed him frozen mysis (which he ate greedily). I took him home, drip acclimated him, and he seemed to be adjusting fine in my 80 gallon rimless. He mostly just perched himself on rock (like I've read they do) but also did a lot of exploring, looking like he was looking for prey to stalk. I even got him to eat a little mysis (though not as greedily as in the store). My wife affectionately named him Fuzzhead.

However, Tues night I saw him floating around the top in the current, having labored breathing and not moving much. At one point while floating around he touched a torch coral (positioned high in the tank) and immediately dashed away and the torch recoiled (maybe he got stung?). For a good long while, I watched his breathing rate slow down until he eventually stopped breathing.

The tank is an 80 gal with softies, zoas, LPS, 3 small yellow tangs (which I'll rehome when they're bigger), 6 pajama cardinals, and a cleaner shrimp... so I can't think of what might have attacked him (possibly the torch??). I setup the tank in mid December and everything else has been doing well. The tangs and cardinals have been in there about 2 months.

After he died, I inspected him more closely and his right side under his pectoral fin was much more pale than his left side... I've attached 2 pics that show this. It didn't look like a bite so I'm speculating it was a sting.

Does anyone have any ideas? :(
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I'm really sorry for your loss. It's even more frustrating when you don't know why it happened. Do you have other fish in the tank? How is your water quality? He looks really beat up with his fins frayed.
Yeah, I have yellow tangs and pajama cardinals in the tank, but I'm sure they had nothing to do with the lionfish's death, they didn't seem to notice him anyway. My water parameters are fine except my alk is a bit low, but that wouldn't affect him either.

As for him looking beat up.. he wasn't beat up at all from what I could tell (he was a dwarf fuzzy lionfish so their fins naturally look a little frayed on the edges). When he died, he spread out his dorsal fin and opened his mouth wide and went stiff in that position (rigor mortis).
You may want to post your question up to Greg and Renee on RC (fish only & aggressive tanks) or on lionfishlair. They are very knowledgeable and might be able to provide some insight as well as some of the other folks there. I used to post up on both forums when I had my dwarf lionfish but I'm no expert by any means.
No problem. Hopefully they can point you to the reason why you lost your fuzzy. Sorry that you lost him.

I had a dwarf zebra and a fuzzy at one time and when I would walk by the tank, the fuzzy would spit water at me so I would feed him!
I've read about that funny water spitting behavior.. I was really looking forward to that :(

So, how long did you have yours? And did you happen to have him in an open top tank (since you mention he spat water at you)?
I'm sorry for your loss.

You only had him for 3 days, yes? How long did the store have it before you bought it?

Did you check your parameters? There could be something 'off' in your water that went bad slowly over time and the other fish acclimated it it.

The fish could have had some sort of infection or whatnot going on when you got him.

The coral probably did sting it a bit but it sounds like it was on the way out when it drifted into the coral, so I wouldn't consider that a cause.

Have you spoken with the dealer where you bought the fish for some insight?

Keep an eye on your other fishes, if it had an infection, that could possibly have been transmitted to the other fishes. Quarantine is a must.

dasianguy;1031616 wrote: I've read about that funny water spitting behavior.. I was really looking forward to that :(

So, how long did you have yours? And did you happen to have him in an open top tank (since you mention he spat water at you)?

I had my zebra for about 9 months and my fuzzy for a year. I had a mesh net on the top of the tank so they could spit through it.
Hi Jenn, sorry for the late reply, I got distracted.

Yes, I only had him for a couple days. The LFS had him for about 3 weeks if I remember correctly.. long enough that he was eating well and looked well adjusted. My relevant water parameters were fine and my other fish are still happy and healthy.

I know I should have quarantined.. I do have a quarantine tank but I had recently taken it down to clean it (after leaving it running empty for a long time) and I felt like the lionfish looked perfectly healthy so I skipped setting the quarantine back up.

I admit the lionfish was a bit of an impulse purchase (though I googled a lot in the store), and I don't think I'll bring a fish home on impulse again. From now on I'll probably ask the store if they can hold it for me if I don't have my quarantine tank up. I haven't talked to the dealer yet, but I will whenever I go back in.