What do i need to know about this? (eel tank)


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ok so i have an empty 55 gallon just laying around the house so here is what im thinking.........

1)first of all get a locking screen top for it
2) I need some live sand if anyone has some
3) I need some live rock i know i can get from SWC
4) I need a HOB skimmer (hopefully used and cheap)
5) I need some type of lighting hopefully PC's will work (again used and cheap would be great)

I was thinking to do a snowflake eel to start out with and do you think i can put a Humu Trigger in there as well??

I really just want this to be an eel tank with maybe 1 or 2 other fish that I cant put in my reef tank. I was hoping along with the eel i can put some Zoas and mushrooms maybe some xenia and thats it.

Anyone see any problems with this anyone have any advice before i start this task?
Ok I'm getting my first eel tomarrow and I have researched this alot so here it goes...
You will need a very sucure lid that does not block out the light. What I use a top that locks that is acaually made for snakes and lizards and stuff. I figure if the top can keep a snake out, it can keep a eel out. If you want to have corals you will have to stick with smaller eels (plus it is only a 55g so you can't get anything that grows to big) the snowflake eel would be good. I would also recomend a golden dwarf moray eel or two but I do not know how they would get along with the snowflake...Eels also like rocks with lots of small holes that they can feel sucure in. You could use pvc piping too.
yea ur thread is what inspired me to do this tank can u post pics of Yours when u get it
I'm going to try to post pics. I'm not tecnoligicly advanced though, so I might just do a link to photo bucket. I'm glad your getting some eels. When I first got my tank I really wanted an eel but soon I learned how big they got and that most of themwould eat small fish so I almost gave up on owning one. But then I found an awsome deal on a gdm so I couldn't turn it down. I can tell you a place to get them for only $150 if you want. (I know that seems expencive but the gdms usually sell for around $250-$350) I know that when I get the 58g tank up and running I would like to have 3 gdms in that tank.
How can they cause a tank crash by getting out of the tank? Or is that a stupid question?:unsure:
you guys think i can keep some zoas and mushrooms or xenia under this little fixture?
andregarcia_73;230048 wrote: yeah I have a 55 FOWLR and i bought a fixture cheap from Sam at aquabuys! Here goes the link (pretty bright little sucker)


Also eels are messy eater so get a good filter and protein skimmer for them.

P.S. did I tell you I hate eels?

REASON: Caused a tank crash because of a non secure lid![/QUOTE]

this one will
andregarcia_73;230159 wrote: Well I had a tight fitting cover on the tank but not right where the acrylic top met the Overflow. The yellowhead eel squeezed into my overflow, went down my pipes, got into my sump and into my return PUMP! When i got home from work the eel was missing, and EVERYTHING else was dead. I lost a HUGE 8"maroon clown, HUGE 10"sailfin, 12 inch Port Jackson Shark ($500 fish), 12" Remora, 2 baby eppaulette sharks and a bunch of other crabs and snails. Make sure you keep a tight cover on your overflow or at least a prefilter or sponge before your pump. I found out the cause after I broke the tank down and foung the eels head stuck in the impeller and his body in the return pipes. Good luck and Im DONE with eels.
WOW how big was your tank?!?
OMG. That is a horrible story. I am sorry, but thanks for sharing.