What do you do for PE?


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Peachtree Corners
This is for all you sps guys other, what are some of the things that you do that you would say contribute to polyp extension? Obviously clean water with good parameters is essential, but what would you say is your secret sauce?

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Following along... would love to hear from those that have a very established SPS tank.

I have only been keeping SPS for a few months, but have converted most of my 20 gallon over to it. Besides clean water and good parameters as you mentioned, lighting obviously has a critical role as well. Additionally, I add Acro Power 1x weekly, feed a variety of frozen foods daily, and usually broadcast feed Reef Chili and Cobalt a couple of times a week; just started dosing Phyto every few days. So far so good, don't know if any of those things are necessarily the contributing factor though.
Aside from good water quality and healthy corals, regular feeding and strong flow should bring them out. But it should be pointed out that typically in the ocean SPS polyps are out at night to Feed on zooplankton. I think the polyp labs polyp booster is just a concentrated food source. Another similar product is the ME Amino POLYP Extender Coral Food, again just a concentrated food source.
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I don't do anything specific. I don't even feed my corals, I just feed the fish, primarily frozen. No filter socks or mechanical filtration other than the skimmer. I also don't strive to keep an overly clean system but I do run an ATS and add a little carbon every day, no3po4x. If PO4 starts getting high I inject some Brightwell Phosphat E directly into the skimmer pump. I try to keep the big three at 8.5-9.5 Alk, 410-430 Cal and Mag at 1400-1450. I also add a little trace a couple times a week and stir the crap out of the sump after blowing the rocks off. Never had any issue with PE. ;):cool:

If your parameters are stable then look to flow and lights. Most SPS prefer to be higher in the water column and have good flow, but not directly in front of a powerhead. My tank is 30" deep but the frag tank is shallow. I think the frag tank could stand a bit more flow. I'll address it after the move. The flow in the display ranges from 25 to 50+ turn over. The majority of that flow is concentrated in the top half of the tank. I have no problems with
For lights I have 3 SB Reef 16" sBox's with 4 80w T5's over the Display and 2 sBox's and 2 39w T5's. The T5's are mostly Blue+ with only 1 Purple+ over the display and they run 5.5hrs a day over both.
Just brought this baby from Florida, it's super bushy.

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