what do you guys think


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I have a 75 gallon softie reef ,and i was thinking about getting rid of all my corals but colt and kenya tree and doing a soft tree coral tank
i would include things like
colt and kenya trees for mow until i get a larger tank

but stuff like this at a later time
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it would loke something like this

ok so what do you think
Some of those look like carnation corals. They can be tough corals, I would suggest that you look into them more.
if i did this should i leave the rock stacked up
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l l l

or like this
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ok should i leave it like this and just change the corals or restack the rock
I think this is an awesome idea... Ive considered doing a single species tank but just cant justify the means of setting up yet another tank.
ok you guys have made me deside to do this now who on hear has a lot of colt and kenya i have corals and equipment to trade i will have retro mh lights to trade in a few weeks
I would suggest that you look into what all the requirements are for the soft corals that you would be interested in. Some like lots of light, some just like a little bit, some like to be upsidedown (i.e. carnations). Look into all the types and from there you can decide what setup would be best.
ok thanks im going to do colt, kenya and maybe spaghetti coral for now and go from there my kenya and colt like my 2 175 watt mhs(well atleast that is what they told me last time we talked):lol2: