What fish eats bristleworms?


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Hi everyone,

First to let everyone know, I gave my 2 Clarkii clowns away to a friend I met in the neighborhood with a 100g tank. My Clarkii looked cramped in my 29g. I think they will be happier in this 100g.

As I was moving rocks around, I was HORRIFIED to see what looked like centipedes. I have heard of bristleworms before, but had never seen one in my tank. My question is, are there any fish that eat these worms? They scare the heck out of me, aeration of my gravel be darned.

Six Line Wrasse, all the way man, just keep the tank covered, they jump!
Bristleworms are actually your best cleanup crew. Anything aggressive enough to eat them might also bother your seahorse. They do a great job eating all the food your fish miss and aerating the substrate. You're pretty much stuck with them. There are some population control methods out there.

The worst I've seen them do is sting me, infact, as I write this, the swelling is still a little present in my hand from yesterday morning. I've been stung by them probably over 100 times. There are claims that really large ones can eat small fish, and there are ones that can much on corals, but I've seen neither in person. The worst sting I've had was by one the size of a pencil. I had a welt for 4 days and my finger was swollen for about 2 weeks. There's no real pain, just mild discomfort and a little swelling.

I've seen Sixline Wrasse and Bicolor/Royal Dottyback/Pseudochromis eat them. An Arrow Crab can work too, but I've seen really large specimens snatch fish, too.
Coral Banded Shrimp are also excellent predators of bristleworms. However with your 2 peppermint shrimp, I'd exercise caution with either a coral banded or an arrow crab.

As mentioned, unless they hit plague populations, the majority of bristleworms are quite good for your aquarium.
raj if you can catch him and bring him to the meeting I will put him in my fuge.