What in the World is this?


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So I just bought a Beautiful Red Favia from Aquarium Showcase and It as a weird critter on it. The Favia has a hole in it and coming out of the hole is some kind of filter feeder/Worm. It is clear but sometimes when you look at it, it is like a rainbow! It honestly looks like one of those light up Fiber Optic things is coming out of the rock.

What is it? :confused2:
Thats what I thought but hes like one of those fiber optic things and iridescent colors.
Bryan, I originally thought that it could be a spaghetti worm, but when I saw it Aquarium Showcase a week or so ago I didn't notice that the "feeders" were irradescent. (cool)
Ahh you saw my coral! It has history! Yeah its pretty cool. Im glad the hole in the middle of the coral has something neat living in it.
I have exactly what youre talking about on one of my rocks. I ahve this one rock that covered in different colored mini feather dusters. Some are black, come are white, some are irrodecent like you say and some have white with tan lines.
Hmmmm When you look at the iridescent one is it only like "Rainbow" colored when you look at it a certain way?
Indeed I just wish it wasn't right in the middle of my prize Favia. But then again I only got it for $32.99
Here is a picture of him, The brown thing on him is something it caught.

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do they move really really fast sometimes too like sticking their head in and out a bunch of times? we have a few pieces at the store that have those on there. lets see a full picture of that favia, it looks promising!
I saw something vaguely similiar today in my tank that I'd never seen before; it reached out and snatched a piece of flake-food I'd been trying to target feed to my banded shrimp... No idea if it's the same thing or not, but very similar, and boy did it move fast.