What intensity do you run your RADION G4 PROS


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My Rad G4 Pro is over a small tank. the light is 10" from the surface and the water is 23" deep.
I have chalices, hammers, and a small leather on the sand bed.

A lepto and a psammacora on the rock about mid way.

Right now I'm running only blues and UV at 100%.

The overall is 80%.

Is this too much jam ?
Im using Mobius.. I realize I'm confused about something here...
Can someone explain schedule % vs point intensity to me please?
I mean, when i adjust schedule intensity... it doen't do anything....
That seems like way too much for me. Myself, others, and our old LFS always ran them around 30-40%.

Also its worth considering that with a little too much light, your corals will bleach and die. With far too little light, your corals will still be healthy, they will just grow slower and their colors may be less vivid. Ive had cornbred acros survive for 6 months in less than 30 PAR. The repercussions for too much light are greater and irreversible, so its a no brainer to recommend lower light intensity for anybody that is ever unsure.
so when you adjust the intensity... you set the program then move all your point intensities down to the desired percentage?
I'm just new to radion :_ T5 was sooo simple ha
To further confuse me... if i load up say... the LPS / Soft template in mobius... the SCHEDULE is set to 40% , but the point intensity is all different for every point.

SO Does that mean that because the SCHEDULE is at 40% the lights are running at 40% when the point intensity at 100%? and when the point intensity is at 50% the lights are at 40% of 50%?
ok i got if figured out.... the schedule intensity isn't SHOWN until i hit save... duh..
just needed to talk it out haha
does the schedule intensity play out when you hit play as you sample what you've programmed? doesn't seem to