What is best way to fix cracked sump?


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I have an acrylic sump that is cracked in the bottom and along a seam. Can that just be sealed with something like Weld-On or do I need something else to fill and seal them? There are no pieces missing, just cracked.

Pics will help. Most people will say chunk it though. Really depends on how bad and what size and thickness the sump is. Need more info to make a fair assessment.
Maybe a easy fix... Can you cut a small square of acrylic and weldon it over the crack?
is the sump currently in use or empty? if its in use i would put a little weldon over the crack and then do as heath suggested and put another small piece of acrylic over the crack and weld on it there if its empty then clean the inside well and use weldon 4 on both sides and put pressure on it to make sure the seam closes up good and hold for about 10 to 15 minutes and then wait 24 hours before using.
they make a solvent weld kit to fix cracked acrylic. It's only a sump, if it is small enough something like silicone would be enough to fix. If you want to throw away and give it to me I'd be happy to take it because I'm sure it can be fixed it would have to bea bad crack in order for it to not be able to be fixed. ;)
The safest way is to replace it. :(

Do you know why it cracked in the first place? If it was on an uneven surface, etc., fixing the crack without fixing the cause, will only cause it to crack again, if not on the repaired section, someplace else.
