What is happening with my leather

It looks to be dying. Those things are usually pretty bullet proof. They're tough and can recover. Many corals do battle with toxins from a distance which is called allelopathy. Toadstools are one of them and they are also sensitive to it. Since its hurt I'm sure its releasing toxins and this could start hurting your other corals.

So to remedy this, I would consider doing a few water changes and running carbon. The water changes will dilute that and possibly add other trace the leather might need. The carbon will absorb toxins in the water and is needed when you keep corals that do release toxins.

The other thing it could be is a bacterial infection which would require treatment outside of the tank. I'd try the first two and if that doesn't work over the next few weeks... then try infection treatment.
That is not good. I would quickly remove it and cut off the section on the left that doesn't seem to be effected. I've heard of them "rotting" and that looks like what's going on here. It could be getting stung by something if there's anything close but I don't think there a whole lot to be done at this point. If it were mine, I would remove the piece, frag off the part that's still healthy an dip both of them in a logul's solution.
That is not good. I would quickly remove it and cut off the section on the left that doesn't seem to be effected. I've heard of them "rotting" and that looks like what's going on here. It could be getting stung by something if there's anything close but I don't think there a whole lot to be done at this point. If it were mine, I would remove the piece, frag off the part that's still healthy an dip both of them in a logul's solution.
Having not experienced a leather dying like that before. I think Justin's advice is very good :) It might be time to just save what you can.
I've dealt with some "fungus" spots and dipped in logul's and freshwater. It seemed to work but it wasn't as bad as that. To frag these, I use a pair of sharp scissors to make the cut. Then I take a needle and thread and sew it to a base rock. Glue doesn't work well at all given the slime produce. After a few weeks, the leather will attach itself to the rock and cover up the thread. If you can't salvage this particular leather, I have the same one and can cut and sew a big piece for you. I'm constantly trimming mine down.
That is not good. I would quickly remove it and cut off the section on the left that doesn't seem to be effected. I've heard of them "rotting" and that looks like what's going on here. It could be getting stung by something if there's anything close but I don't think there a whole lot to be done at this point. If it were mine, I would remove the piece, frag off the part that's still healthy an dip both of them in a logul's solution.
Do I keep the big stump or remove it ?
You certainly can. If you leave the stump (or even part of it) a lot of times it'll grow back. If it were me, I'd cut it and leave the stump as long as you're going to be around. Watch the stump and if it starts to die off, remove it quick so you don't have all of that waste pouring into your system.