What is ORA?


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im still somewhat new to the hobby and i have been seeing ORA for a prefix on fish. Just wondering
it's a breeder...
So I understand what ORA is but who is there competition to make them "the best"? It seems to me as they really just have the market cornered when it comes to breeding rare or just different fish and corals.
thank you for the link. i am now looking at the fish and different corals they have to offer
db366;624502 wrote: So I understand what ORA is but who is there competition to make them "the best"? It seems to me as they really just have the market cornered when it comes to breeding rare or just different fish and corals.

it's just a brand... either you like their brand.. and will pay more for it.. or you wont'..

they're concerned with sustainability within the hobby/industry.. some people pay more to know that they're not taking fish from the wild..

and generally speaking, their species (since they were developed in an aquacultured environment) will adjust better to living in an aquarium..

(as opposed to a species that "knows" it's not in it's natural environment)

make since?
Rbredding;624506 wrote: it's just a brand... either you like their brand.. and will pay more for it.. or you wont'..

they're concerned with sustainability within the hobby/industry.. some people pay more to know that they're not taking fish from the wild..

and generally speaking, their species (since they were developed in an aquacultured environment) will adjust better to living in an aquarium..

(as opposed to a species that "knows" it's not in it's natural environment)

make since?

Yep, I just am wondering if there are any other companies like ORA that just haven't gotten the hype that ORA has.

but you dont know about them because they haven't got the hype that ORA has..
I would say when it comes to fish ORA when it comes to coral Tyree and jason fox have to be the top 2 that come to mind
C-Quest, Sustainable Aquatics, FHI (depending on whether it's fish or corals you're talking about...

There are more too but those are the ones that come to the top of my head.