What is the right saline # for a reef aquarium?


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Cornelia, Ga.
I'm getting a 3.1 ppm on my digital meter. I have read that 3.5 in the same as 1.026. I was using a Refractometer for my tank. But I think it is not calibrated right.
I have found that most of the digital meters are crap.There are some high end ones that work great when calibrated properly but most of those are $500+ I now rely on a veegee refractometer and home made calibration fluid.I also have a tropic marin hydrometer as a backup
I try to keep mine between 1.024-1.025

I have a refractometer and a hydrometer but mainly use the hydrometer.
My refractometer needs to be calibrated quite often and its a pita. I know hydrometers get a bad rap but as long as you rinse them after each use they seem fine for me...
I have found that most of the digital meters are crap.There are some high end ones that work great when calibrated properly but most of those are $500+ I now rely on a veegee refractometer and home made calibration fluid.I also have a tropic marin hydrometer as a backup
Care to share you recipe for the home made fluid
For most users with reefs, an SG of 1.024 to 1.025 is a good target.

LFS and sellers will often run slightly higher (~1.026) in order to account for their ATO systems dumping freshwster everytime they sell a fish/coral/cuc and scoop up a bunch of water.

And if you have only fish* (no corals or other inverts), you can run much lower, around 1.015 to save money on salt. *Note that specific fish do better in reef salinity though.
Yea don't trust the Hannah salinity pen. I used it for close to a year and recently had som corals die on me. After checking everything I found that the hanna even after calibration was way off. I just went back to using a refractometer. That I double check with another refractometer. Hannah was showing 35 but was actually 40😲
Yea don't trust the Hannah salinity pen. I used it for close to a year and recently had som corals die on me. After checking everything I found that the hanna even after calibration was way off. I just went back to using a refractometer. That I double check with another refractometer. Hannah was showing 35 but was actually 40😲
Same here. They aint worth a damn
1.025, I only use a Milwaukee digital refractometer that I calibrate with each use to 0.000.