What is this, do i need to address


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This red started to appear on a rock last week and has now almost covered it.

Not sure if it's some sponge, good or bad

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i agree it looks like cyanobacteria. its annoying and will cover your sand and rocks if you let it so its probably best to get rid of it now while its fairly isolated.
if it is in fact cyano
go ahead and blow it off.
watch how things progress over the next week, if it stays contained in one spot then just keep blowing it around and such.
if you notice it spreading really the only way i've personally gotten rid of it is a product called ChemiClean.
It does work. Just follow the directions if you need to use it.
Never had a loss using it.
I recommend just using a hose and suctioning the stuff into your filter sock. It comes up easily. Then just clean the sock as you normally would.

Cyano is in every tank and is normal. It just doesn't bloom like that unless there are excessive phosphates and by physically removing it... you're taking those phosphates right out of your system.
I'm with Jin on this one. Export it.

Cyanobacter is one of the worlds first and oldest life forms. You will never kill it all - it's in every tank even when you do not see it.

When it starts to accumulate such as what you're seeing, there's something feeding it - excessive nutrients etc., and low flow in the spots where it settles.

Siphon it out, but also look at the causes. Change up the flow so it doesn't settle there but watch it might settle someplace else.

If chemical means are used as a last resort, I prefer Ultralife Red Slime Remover - it works similarly to Chemiclean but it's less volatile and more forgiving. I've used it with clams and inverts with no ill effects.
