what is this????, sorry cannot get a pic, will have to go of discription


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Just try and describe it the best I can. If it is aiptasia I have never seen any one like it, including a majano. I looked through 8 pages of images of aiptasia, never seeing anything that resembles the mystery animal. It is only about a half inch in size and has a round shape. It has six bubbles that end in a tentacle at the center of whatever it is. Reminds me of looking down on tadpoles and their tails meeting in the middle. It does have other tentacles that line the outside of the colony. It seems to have a foot attaching it to the rock, so not very mobile. It is greenish in color. Sorry I cannot get a good pic it is toward the middle of my tank and hid behind a large rock. Any ideas?????
With my luck probably some super colony of aiptasia.
Need a better discription.

Doesn't sound like any common pest though..... Feed it, grow it and then if you find out its a nussance, you can always kill it later....
Then definately leave it. Hitchhikers can be good and bad. I've lived with aptasia in my tank for months, ugly as it is, it hasn't caused a problem. Give this a while to see if it's friend or foe, or atleast until you can snap a pic or i.d. it.



Mine are more florescent green, but either way, get rid of it.

(unless you post a pic to be 100%, get it out)
I agree. Sounds like Majano.

They look nothing like any majano I have ever seen. I have about 3-4 of them on another rock.
I didn't get Majano from that description, but personally wouldn't suggest ousting something you can't yet identify.

Personally, I like the look of Majano, it beats the green algae most reefers cultivate on the live rock.
Di you happen to the rock from me?
It sounds to me like a strawberry coral
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mysterybox;367712 wrote: check the links?
melvesreef was the first place I went. Still nothing, I think I discovered a new species:D
Fish Scales2;367733 wrote: Di you happen to the rock from me?
It sounds to me like a strawberry coral
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still nothing, I have had the rock forever. He is in a place hard to locate, and also get a pic.
Majano often resemble small bubble anemones. That's the mental postcard I got from the description.

This is one of those things that *really* needs a picture.

Someone here (NotiReef???) posted pics of a small anemone type that has bubbled tips and looks like Aiptasia - but it was a harmless species.
If I would only recall the name...

I am sorry about quality, but the best I could do. It is the pinwheel looking object toward the center of the pictures
Nope - can't tell from that. Heck it could be a starting of a plate tree for that matter.

leave it, if its bad, it will start taking over, and you can get a better pic........
Looks like a button. It has a skeletal base right?
If so I have some that have multiplied over the past 4 years and look great, Just a freebie that popped out of the rock. Someone actually posted on these not too long ago that they recieved on LR that turned pink after regular feedings