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This is a recent development in my tank. Is it good, bad or indifferent and if not good what do I do to it. Jeff
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red slime algae....

keep your phophates down,,,less feedings and more water changes, also direct more water flow in the tank so it doesnt settle...
Thanks, using distilled water now instead of well water and added another power head the other day, but my wife likes it she says it looks neat. She's in bed now so I'm scraping it off and I'll blame the snails and crabs. lol
Yeah, it'll grow and possibly take over because cyano is better at utilizing nutrients than other creatures. After all, it was the bacterium that oxygenated the earth before any other photosynthetic organism could.

I'm such a dork...

But yeah, scrape it off and put it in a jar of saltwater and give it light and you just might have a cyano garden for the wife.
Don't just blow it off the rocks or you risk spreading it. You are best off siphoning it off when you do water changes. It comes off real easy that way.

Also, tell your wife that it comes in a real cool green color too... :)