What is this?


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Newnan GA
Saw this strange growth on my foxface today. Almost looks like a patch of green algae growing on him...???

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Why, completely stumped... I'm not one on fish disease. Call Jeremy at SEA maybe he can help.
Maybe a sting from something? It's hard to tell but it looks like there's a mark in the center?
The fish is about 6 months old in my system. The thing has been there maybe 4 days I would guess....

210gal dt
75gal sump
LR and oolite
chaeto fuge
2 WP40's for flow
2 Reefbreeders leds
Haven't used gac or gfo for probably 3 months now.

pH 8.27-8.20 (lights on to lights off changes)

Big 3 dosed via reefangel daily.

No big swings in pH, temp, supplements to my knowledge.

No nuisance algae issues. Chaeto grows pretty good and I harvest every couple weeks. Coraline growing great.

Small array of sps, lps, softies and 3 anemones.

10 fish (medium to light bio load imo still)
Everyone is fat and healthy except this spot on the foxface (crossing fingers).

Foxface acts normal as far as I can tell...
HiImSean;955393 wrote: Maybe a sting from something? It's hard to tell but it looks like there's a mark in the center?

Yeah there is some kind of small indent/line in the center of that circle...no idea whats going on there though...

I do have a clown tang that I have seen cause the foxface to circle in a bit of a stand off. It's more the foxface holding his ground while the clown tang taunts him for a few seconds then the clown swims off; don't know that would have anything to do with this though...???
Hardly an expert... but let's see...

Clown tang, eh? And he harasses the Foxface? He may have stabbed him with his scalpel(s).

Typically though a stab wound will either look fairly clean, and heal after a few days, or it gets infected, and red.

The photo it looks more brown to me - could be bruising perhaps.

How is the fish behaving otherwise?

Did this just occur suddenly - as in, it wasn't there one day, and poof, it's there?

If it's eating and otherwise behaving normally, I'd keep an eye on it for a day or two. If it worsens or if the fish becomes lethargic, stops eating etc., then intervention might be in order.

If the wound looks like it's infected, then the best option would be to QT and treat... but let me know what's going on based on my questions and we can figure it out from there.

Uncomplicated mechanical injuries in fish usually heal pretty quickly. Infection changes the game.

It could also be a sting from an anemone (if present) or LPS coral but when you mentioned the clown tang, the first thing that came to mind was a scalpel injury.

Well I mentioned the clown tang but I've never seen the clown really act that aggressive. It seems more the clown comes into the foxface's space and they square off a little (perhaps more aggression occurs that I haven't seen tho).

It did seem to appear all of a sudden.

It's more brown in color. It appears to have a line in the middle (maybe a slice) so hopefully it's a wound and not some disease.....

Thanks for the help. I'll see how he progresses.