What is your sump like?


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Cumming, Georgia
What is your sump like?

The sump is like the engine of our tanks. What do you have in your sump? (protein skimmers, a refugium, bio balls, sand, dosing system, any medias, etc.)

I have the Red Sea 525 and went with the bare minimum. I have a filter pad, 2 heaters (300 watts each), a ground wire, auto top off, the return pump and 3 powerheads aimed at the sump floor to prevent anything from settling at the bottom of the sump.
Currently one big open chamber of rock and chaetomorpha, then a set of shoddy clear acrylic baffles, that are bent to make the width work, to the return. The last baffle is jagged from where the 22 year old me snapped off pieces to get the right water height because a saw from homedepot would've reduced the amount of PBR I could drink that night.

Next weekend I'll be revamping it with this

Then I can run socks when blowing down rocks and scraping algae. Still will be skimmerless but will probably do the first chamber with rubble, red olgo, and ulva, 2nd chamber will likely still be chaeto.
My frag tank sump is just a 30L but I'm going to upgrade to a 40 breeder some time soon. I have the tank and the required parts but not the will to do the hard part by making it happen. It contain the heater(s), some bioballs, live rock, probes, skimmer and platforms for various in sump reactors that I occasionally employ. I've been thinking about a making some dividers to transform the 40 breeders into a more traditional sump with chambers and all that but haven't done much beyond thinking about it. Funny how "temporary" solutions change into more permanent one's. My display tank has a more traditional sump with most of the same stuff. I always run filter socks and haven't ever had a refugium. Other than that, it's all pretty standard.
More traditional sump I guess. Its DIY glass panels. Skimmer, heaters, return, and a refugium (Cause I'm determined to ONE DAY have a Mandarin ) We won't use filter socks cause I hate them. Lol Media will be sand and rubble in the fuge plus some chaeto if we ever find any.

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More traditional sump I guess. Its DIY glass panels. Skimmer, heaters, return, and a refugium (Cause I'm determined to ONE DAY have a Mandarin ) We won't use filter socks cause I hate them. Lol Media will be sand and rubble in the fuge plus some chaeto if we ever find any.

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Looks very well done, great job.
My sump is a Trigger Triton & will also have 2x Eheim-Jager heaters, Varios DC pump, reef rubble & an external reactor (as/if needed). The aim is minimal intervention.


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