What kind of KH numbers do I want?


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I am not keeping any corals at this time (though I will in the future), but I'm trying to learn about water parameters besides the usual ammonia-nitrite-nitrate-ph-sg.

I picked up API test kits today for Kh and phosphates.

My tap water (well) tested between 0 and .25ppm on phospates (truthfully closer to 0). I haven't tested my tank water yet. This is a pleasant surprise.

KH tested at 12 dKH or 214ppm (this was on my tank water). I'm a little in the dark on what this signifies.

My PH has been stable but a little low (7.8-7.9) ever since the tank was started.
8-11 dKH or 4-6 meq/l

Have the pH tested with a kit that is not API. IME they are notoriously inaccurate.

JennM;318048 wrote: 8-11 dKH or 4-6 meq/l

Have the pH tested with a kit that is not API. IME they are notoriously inaccurate.

I agree, API works ok for some tests, PH and Nitrite are inaccurate 80% of the time.

Tetra or Salifert work better. You might want a Ca (calcium) test as well, the relationship between Ph, KH, and Ca helps to determine the stability of the tank.
Save the money on the all-in-one test kits, buy each kit individually they tend to be more accurate.
Seachem works well too - and Seachem includes a reference solution with a definite value so you can test the reference to confirm that the kit is accurate.

some interesting info here.