What Kind Of Salt Do You Use????


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well i wanted to hear from everyone.Have been using instant ocean salt...Been having pretty good results with it. But tested the water the other day and found the following. ALK 7dKH CA 325 Mag 1315...all was ok but CA...was low...so was wondering what kind of salt u use..that would be closer. Have heard to change to reef crystals but have heard bad things about it also...like getting hair alge. So im throwing this out there to see what everyone is using....Kinda something to see what is being used...:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
My I direct you to this thread
Thanks didn't know that was there..so which do u use since i have u right here....thinking of moving from IO to RC....
Um i don't make my saltwater. I buy it. But for overall cost and what is in the mix, reef crystals is supposts to be great.
Some where on reef central is a thread about what is in each mix.
Hooked Newbie and I are using Oceanic. I've been using it for some time and have been happy with the results. It's pretty cheap too, compared to some of the other brands.