What Kind of Wrasse?


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I am looking to add 3 or 4 different types of fairy wrasse to my 140gal. Does anyone have a particular type they like and why? Right now my favorite is the Scott's fairy. What are some of the possible combinations that would work well together?
i liked the painted fairy wrasse that i had. he was very active and a silky smooth swimmer coming through all the nooks and crannies. just make sure you have a tight top on your tank, b/c they will jump.
The tank is completely enclosed with glass. It's so heavy I can barely lift it to feed my fish. They will have to be incredible escape artists to get out of my tank. I will look up that particular wrasse you listed. Thanks
Ahh I absolultely love fairy wrasses. You really can't go wrong with any of them, they're all such wonderful fish! Scott's are nice, but I prefer the Australian variety. The only thing about scott's and a few of the other species is that I've heard they tend to fade if they're the only fairy wrasse of their type in the tank. I can't verify that since I don't have a scott's. I've owned quite a few different fairy wrasses, but currently have a fiji exquisite and a lineatus. Both are a joy to watch and are ideal tank residents. I've also got a school of mckosker flasher wrasses, which are closely related to fairy wrasses. If you're going to get flashers, make sure they go in before the fairy. They're smaller and too docile for their own good.
Not to hijack, but can we see pictures of your lineatus and exquisite?
I do like the flasher wrasse quite a bit. The fact that they are small is a bonus. Will there be any fighting issues between the flasher and fairies?
Same here. By far my favorite group of fish. i currently have an austrailian scotts and a solar. Solars are by far my favorite but I like a lot of them! My next will probably be a flasher wrasse pair. Generally you can add many together but advice would be to add the solar last as they are the most aggresive of the bunch (which is still pretty passive)